首页 \ 问答 \ Apache Solr用Pattern替换“前缀”(Apache Solr Replacing “Prefixes” with Pattern)

Apache Solr用Pattern替换“前缀”(Apache Solr Replacing “Prefixes” with Pattern)


  1. 从mysql中查询select NULLIF(id,'') as unID <continue with other things..>

  2. 在schema.xml中, <field name='unID' type='unIDType' index... />

  3. 同样在schema.xml中,

<fieldType name="unIDType" class="solr.TextField"> <analyzer> <tokenizer class="solr.PatternTokenizerFactory" pattern="^([AZ]{2})?([0-9]{5})$" group="2"/> </analyzer> </fieldType>

  1. 也在schema.xml中

<copyField source='unID' dest='_text_' />





规则是它总是以ID前缀并且总是5 digits




但我无法将其置于默认搜索字段,因为只查询q=10001不起作用。 q=unID:10001有效。

编辑1:我也试过了Pattern Filter Factory。 它也没用。


我读到分析完成后,他们都被标记为默认搜索字段。 可能是我读错了吗?



This is the setup.

  1. querying from mysql select NULLIF(id,'') as unID <continue with other things..>

  2. In schema.xml, <field name='unID' type='unIDType' index... />

  3. Also in schema.xml,

<fieldType name="unIDType" class="solr.TextField"> <analyzer> <tokenizer class="solr.PatternTokenizerFactory" pattern="^([A-Z]{2})?([0-9]{5})$" group="2"/> </analyzer> </fieldType>

  1. Also in schema.xml

<copyField source='unID' dest='_text_' />



from mysql:


The rule is that it will always prefix with ID and will always 5 digits.

The users want to search just 00001 and get the answer for that record.

My PatternTokenizerFactory works.

If I search unID:10001, I get the records for ID10001.

But I am having trouble putting it to default search field because just querying q=10001 does not work. q=unID:10001 works.

edit 1: I also tried the Pattern Filter Factory. It didn't work either.

I think the problem is the new value "00001" is not at default search field, but "ID00001" is.

I read that the analyzing is done after they are all marked as default search field. May be I read it wrong?



更新时间:2023-04-29 10:04


这似乎是iOS 5.x中的回归:它发生在5.0和5.1模拟器和5.1设备上,但不在4.3模拟器或4.3.2设备上。

它也特别是字符串绘图似乎被打破 - 如果您所做的只是字符串绘制(避免创建/销毁上下文的开销),崩溃几乎立即发生:

-(void)threadFunc:(UIFont *)font {
  @autoreleasepool {
    NSString *string = @" ";
    CGRect r = {{0,0},{50,50}};
    UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(r.size, YES, 0);
    for(;;) {
      @autoreleasepool {
        [string drawAtPoint:r.origin withFont:font];

  UIFont * font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:12];
  for (int i = 2; i--;)
    [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(threadFunc:) toTarget:self withObject:font];

编辑:只在多核环境(即双核设备或模拟器,假设多核Mac)中“几乎是即时”。 否则,崩溃大约需要10-20分钟。 我没有双核iOS 4.x设备(唯一的可能性似乎是iPad 2),但单核设备在一个多小时后没有崩溃。


This appears to be a regression in iOS 5.x: It happens on the 5.0 and 5.1 simulators and on a 5.1 device, but not on the 4.3 simulator or a 4.3.2 device.

It's also specifically the string drawing that seems to be broken — if all you do is string-drawing (avoiding the overhead of creating/destroying contexts), the crash happens nearly instantly:

-(void)threadFunc:(UIFont *)font {
  @autoreleasepool {
    NSString *string = @" ";
    CGRect r = {{0,0},{50,50}};
    UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(r.size, YES, 0);
    for(;;) {
      @autoreleasepool {
        [string drawAtPoint:r.origin withFont:font];

  UIFont * font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:12];
  for (int i = 2; i--;)
    [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(threadFunc:) toTarget:self withObject:font];

EDIT: It is "nearly instant" only in multi-core environments (i.e. a dual-core device or the simulator, assuming a multi-core Mac). Otherwise, it takes on the order of 10-20 minutes to crash. I don't have a dual-core iOS 4.x device (the only possibility appears to be the iPad 2), but the single-core devices haven't crashed after over an hour.

I've raised a bug with Apple, and encourage you to do the same if it affects you.


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