首页 \ 问答 \ AngularJS orderBy日期过滤器无法使用Firebase(AngularJS orderBy date filter not working using Firebase)

AngularJS orderBy日期过滤器无法使用Firebase(AngularJS orderBy date filter not working using Firebase)

我正在使用Firebase来存储我的数据,我知道Firebase将数据存储为对象而不是数组。 我已经解决了这个问题,并且有其他过滤器正常工作,但是当我尝试在我的ng-repeat中使用“orderBy:'date'”时,它不起作用。 这是标记:

<div ng-repeat="event in events | limitTo:10 | filter:tfilter | orderBy: 'date'>
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-6">
       <h4>{{event.date | amDateFormat:'MMMM Do'}}</h4>
    <div class="col-md-6">

我也尝试过使用orderBy:'event.date',但这也没用。 有人知道解决方案吗?

I'm using Firebase to store my data and I am aware that Firebase stores data as objects and not arrays. I have fixed that problem and have other filters working, but when I try to use "orderBy: 'date'" in my ng-repeat, it does not work. Here is the markup:

<div ng-repeat="event in events | limitTo:10 | filter:tfilter | orderBy: 'date'>
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-6">
       <h4>{{event.date | amDateFormat:'MMMM Do'}}</h4>
    <div class="col-md-6">

I've also tried using orderBy: 'event.date', but this did not work either. Anyone know the solution?

更新时间:2022-09-21 16:09


枚举的一点是您创建一个只能采用固定值新类型 。 因为在实际使用中只有很多间隔,并且因为在这里创建新类型比使用整型常量更方便,所以对于您的间隔使用枚举是合适的。

你的和弦的故事是不同的。 你已经有了和弦的类型,所以把它们包装在另一个枚举类型中是没有用的。 另外,和弦的数量远没有限制。 我手边的和弦图表显示了22种形状,但不包括反转。 你的和弦结构远比用enum限制和弦更合适。


使用预处理器指令,我们可以定义一个Chord文字。 IIRC结构文字是C99的东西,以前只能有初始化文字。



static const Chord chord_major = {"maj", {ROOT, MAJOR_THIRD, PERFECT_FIFTH}};

请注意,C没有像::这样的名称空间运算符。 相反,你必须自己为任何可能的冲突标识符加上前缀。 C ++确实有名称空间,但这不会影响在此答案中所做的要点。

The point of an enum is that you create a new type that can only take on a fixed set of values. It is appropriate to use an enum for your intervals because there are only so many intervals in actual use, and because creating a new type is more convenient than using integer constants here.

The story is different for your chords. You already have a type for your chords, so wrapping them in another enum type is not helpful. Also, the number of chords is far less finite. A chord chart I have at hand shows 22 shapes, but that does not include inversions. Your chord struct is far more appropriate than artificially limiting chords with an enum.

C has two other mechanisms to create “constants” other than enums: preprocessor-defines and static variables.

With a preprocessor directive, we can define a Chord literal. IIRC struct literals are a C99 thing, previously there could only be initializer literals.


With a static variable, you would declare an object in a header:

static const Chord chord_major = {"maj", {ROOT, MAJOR_THIRD, PERFECT_FIFTH}};

Note that C does not have a namespace operator like ::. Instead, you have to prefix any possibly clashing identifiers yourself. C++ does have namespaces, but that doesn't affect the points made in this answer.


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