首页 \ 问答 \ 如何从android中的应用程序将数据写入USB记忆棒(Pendrive)(How to write the data to USB stick(Pendrive) from the application in android)

如何从android中的应用程序将数据写入USB记忆棒(Pendrive)(How to write the data to USB stick(Pendrive) from the application in android)







这是我想要写入数据的文件夹路径。 “ / storage / usb1 / TestFolder


In my application i have to write the Data to USB stick(Pendrive) from the application.

My application will support to write the data to Local memory and USB stick(Pendrive).

Currently i am able to write the data to Local memory ,but i am unable to write to USB stick(Pendrive).

Do we need to add any extra permission other than WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE?

Is writing to USB stick(Pendrive) through app possible?

I am able to ready the files which are there in the USB,i am not able to write the data.

Here is the folder path where i want to write the data. "/storage/usb1/TestFolder"

Can i get some help on this?

更新时间:2022-01-25 11:01



if (result) {
}else { # do someting if required }

you can do like the following to check the result value if its not NULL then show the modal else do something else.

if (result) {
}else { # do someting if required }


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