首页 \ 问答 \ android:未能在设备“device”上安装.apk:超时(android: Failed to install .apk on device “device”: timeout)

android:未能在设备“device”上安装.apk:超时(android: Failed to install .apk on device “device”: timeout)

几天前,我尝试在我的Galaxy S2上安装.apk时遇到了麻烦。 我选择手机作为目标,单击确定,然后在控制台中获取以下错误:




我尝试打开命令窗口并导航到android-sdk \ platform-tools并运行:

adb kill-server adb start-server




A few days ago I started having troubles while trying to install a .apk on my Galaxy S2. I select my phone as the target, click OK and in the Console get the following error:

Failed to install AvatarRun.apk on device 'device number': timeout Launch canceled!

Without changing anything in code and running again I can also get the error:

Failed to install AvatarRun.apk on device 'device number': device not found com.android.ddmlib.InstallException: device not found Launch canceled!

I have tried opening a command window and navigating to android-sdk\platform-tools and running:

adb kill-server adb start-server

This did not fix the issue.

This seems to just be a coincidence, but after failing many times I changed the minimum SDK in the Manifest from 10 to 7 and the .apk loaded on the next try, but has worked intermitently since and generates the same errors.

Can anyone suggest a method for finding what is causing this error?

更新时间:2023-06-06 09:06



  1. 您不能像在SET id := RESERVATION.RES_ID;那样任意引用表列SET id := RESERVATION.RES_ID; 。 您只能在有效的SQL语句(例如SELECT )或NEW / OLD引用列。
  2. 您不能在定义触发器的同一个表上发出DML语句(在您的情况下为UPADTE )。 MySQL中禁止这种变异行为。
  3. 如果我理解正确并且您需要的所有值都在同一行,那么您只需要使用BEFORE触发器。 见下面的例子。


CREATE TRIGGER tg_bu_reservation
BEFORE UPDATE ON reservation
  SET NEW.res_total_price = (NEW.res_return_date - NEW.res_rent_date) * NEW.res_car_ppd;



There are several issues:

  1. You can't arbitrarily refer to table columns like you did in SET id := RESERVATION.RES_ID;. You can refer to columns only either in a valid SQL statement (e.g. SELECT) or through NEW/OLD.
  2. You can't issue DML statement (in your case UPADTE) on the same table on which you defined the trigger. This mutating behavior is prohibited in MySQL.
  3. If I understand correctly and all values you need are in the same row, all you need is to use a BEFORE trigger. See example below.

Your trigger can be boiled down to this

CREATE TRIGGER tg_bu_reservation
BEFORE UPDATE ON reservation
  SET NEW.res_total_price = (NEW.res_return_date - NEW.res_rent_date) * NEW.res_car_ppd;

Note: since it's a one statement trigger now there is no need in BEGIN...END block and changing a DELIMITER.

Here is SQLFiddle demo


  • SELECT 'id' FROM 'user' WHERE 'username' 改为` (回报) 你在谈论表名和列名你应该使用反引号。 当你在谈论字符串(比如值)时,请使用单/双引号 SELECT 'id' FROM 'user' WHERE 'username' Change ' to ` (back quote) what you are talking about table names and column names you should use backquote. when you ar ...
  • $query = "UPDATE newlogo SET active=1 WHERE name='".$name."'"; // make the new logo active $query = "UPDATE newlogo SET active=1 WHERE name='".$name."'"; // make the new logo active
  • 尝试逃避反向 $result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM rivase_chat_posts WHERE sender='$user' AND `to`='$user2' OR sender='$user2' AND `to`='$user'"); 因为它是MySQL中的保留字 try escaping to with backticks $result=mysql_query("SELECT * ...
  • 绝对不要在通过API执行语句时尝试更改分隔符。 DELIMITER是MySQL客户端内置的命令 ,它不被MySQL服务器端解析器识别。 无论如何你都不需要它。 DELIMITER的目的是消除可能出现在触发器或存储例程体内的分号的不明确性。 由于API一次只能执行一条语句,因此不存在歧义。 无论如何,SQL解析器只是将整个字符串视为一个语句。 同样,不要使用$$结束创建触发器语句。 您不需要任何语句终结符,但SQL解析器接受; 作为一个可选的语句终结者,因为很多人把它放在那里,即使他们不需要。 接下来的问题是 ...
  • 有几个问题: 您不能像在SET id := RESERVATION.RES_ID;那样任意引用表列SET id := RESERVATION.RES_ID; 。 您只能在有效的SQL语句(例如SELECT )或NEW / OLD引用列。 您不能在定义触发器的同一个表上发出DML语句(在您的情况下为UPADTE )。 MySQL中禁止这种变异行为。 如果我理解正确并且您需要的所有值都在同一行,那么您只需要使用BEFORE触发器。 见下面的例子。 您的触发器可以归结为此 CREATE TRIGGER tg_bu ...
  • 该函数被称为mysql_query。 注意_ The function is called mysql_query. Note the _
  • 你在sql语法中缺少一个简单的引用。 你的: function addPost($pName, $pAuthor, $pContent, $pCat = null) { $query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO cm_posts VALUES(null,'$pName','$pAuthor','$pContent,'$pCat')") or die(mysql_error()); } 正确: function addPost($pName, $pAuthor, $pContent ...
  • 您应该使用反引号转义列名username ,尝试 SELECT * FROM admin_logins WHERE `Username` = '$username' 您的代码很容易出现SQL注入 。 使用PDO或MYSQLI 使用PDO扩展的示例: prepare("SELECT * FROM admin_logins WHERE `Username` = ?"); $stmt->bindParam(1, $username); if ($stmt->exec ...
  • 也许您正在寻找XOR逻辑运算符 ? SELECT col1, col2 FROM table1 WHERE ( col1 IN ( 1, 3, 4 ) XOR col2 IN ( 1, 3, 4 ) ); XOR如何工作的一个小例子: SELECT true XOR true; -- false SELECT true XOR false; -- true SELECT false XOR true; -- true SELECT false XOR false; -- false 这几 ...




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