首页 \ 问答 \ Android:在设置>声音和显示>手机铃声中看不到铃声(Android: Ringtone is not visible in settings>Sound and Display>phone ringtone)

Android:在设置>声音和显示>手机铃声中看不到铃声(Android: Ringtone is not visible in settings>Sound and Display>phone ringtone)

我开发了一个音板应用程序,我在长按时设置铃声。 没问题。 铃声改变了。 但是当我去设置 - >声音和显示 - >手机铃声时,我的铃声根本没有列出。 并且未选择任何铃声。 我如何在那里列出我的铃声?

I have developed a sound board application, in which I set ringtones on long press. No issues about it. The ringtone is changed. But when i go to Settings->Sound & Display->Phone Ringtone my ringtone is not listed at all. And No ringtone is selected. How do I list my ringtone there?

更新时间:2024-04-27 12:04


使用xpath并在xpath中包含parent或sibling元素。 你提到了两个不同的标签或desc你可以在xpath中使用它们

Use xpath and include either a parent or sibling element in xpath. You mentioned two different labels or desc you can use these in xpath


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  • 使用xpath并在xpath中包含parent或sibling元素。 你提到了两个不同的标签或desc你可以在xpath中使用它们 Use xpath and include either a parent or sibling element in xpath. You mentioned two different labels or desc you can use these in xpath
  • 在你的网站上你有一个scripts.js文件。 删除或注释从22行到45行。这些行包含运行magnificPopup jQuery插件的代码。 In your website you have a scripts.js file. Remove or comment lines going from 22 to 45. Those lines contains the code that runs the magnificPopup jQuery plugin.
  • 将Android Studio升级到v3.0修复此问题。 Upgrading Android Studio to v3.0 fixing this issue.
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  • 这是因为您在添加元素之前尝试访问该元素,因此document.getElementById('test')返回null。 您可以将其包装在window.onload下,或者在html元素之后添加脚本。 尝试: