首页 \ 问答 \ Android SDK Manager究竟做了什么?(What exactly does the Android SDK Manager do?)

Android SDK Manager究竟做了什么?(What exactly does the Android SDK Manager do?)

我只下载了Android SDK,没有Android Studio,我不需要。 对于Windows,SDK以zip文件形式提供,您可以将其解压缩到您选择的文件夹中。 在解压缩之后,我运行了文件android.bat ,它启动了SDK Manager的GUI并且我下载了更多的包。

我的问题:SDK Manager除了下载和解包包之外还做了什么吗? 例如,它是否启动任何后台进程或服务? 如果是这样,那些管理方式如何,因为GUI没有办法控制它们?

PS:我正在用Android Studio标记这个问题,因为它是最密切相关的主题。

我在Windows 7上。

I downloaded the Android SDK only, without Android Studio, which I don't need. For Windows, the SDK is delivered as a zip file, and you unpack it to the folder of your choice. Following the unpacking, I ran the file android.bat, which launched the GUI for the SDK Manager and I downloaded further packages.

My question: Does the SDK Manager do anything other than downloading and unpacking packages? For example, does it kick off any background processes or services? And if so, how are those managed, since the GUI does not have means to control them?

PS: I'm tagging this question w/ Android Studio as it's the most closely related subject.

I am on Windows 7.

更新时间:2024-03-24 09:03



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//attach handler and call once
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$(document).ready(function(e) {  
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//attach handler and call once
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          $('#'+this).css("background-image", "url("+screwImgPath+screwColorArr[arg]+")")


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