首页 \ 问答 \ AES加密 - 密钥与IV(AES Encryption - Key versus IV)

AES加密 - 密钥与IV(AES Encryption - Key versus IV)

我正在处理的应用程序让用户加密文件。 文件可以是任何格式(电子表格,文档,演示文稿等)。

对于指定的输入文件,我创建两个输出文件 - 加密数据文件和密钥文件。 您需要这两个文件才能获取原始数据。 密钥文件只能在相应的数据文件上工作。 它不应该在任何其他文件,从同一个用户或任何其他用户。



  1. 在应用程序中嵌入硬编码的IV,并将密钥保存在密钥文件中。
  2. 在应用程序中嵌入硬编码的密钥,并将IV保存在密钥文件中。
  3. 将密钥和IV保存在密钥文件中。


似乎所有三个选择都将达到同样的最终目标。 但是,我想对您应该采取哪种正确的方法提出反馈意见。

The application I am working on lets the user encrypt files. The files could be of any format (spreadsheet, document, presentation, etc.).

For the specified input file, I create two output files - an encrypted data file and a key file. You need both these files to obtain your original data. The key file must work only on the corresponding data file. It should not work on any other file, either from the same user or from any other user.

AES algorithm requires two different parameters for encryption, a key and an initialization vector (IV).

I see three choices for creating the key file:

  1. Embed hard-coded IV within the application and save the key in the key file.
  2. Embed hard-coded key within the application and save the IV in the key file.
  3. Save both the key and the IV in the key file.

Note that it is the same application that is used by different customers.

It appears all three choices would achieve the same end goal. However, I would like to get your feedback on what the right approach should be.

更新时间:2022-11-09 20:11




  1. 客户端

首先,我整合了像AFNetworking这样的东西,以简化向/从服务器保存和检索数据的过程。 这样您就可以轻松地将设置“发布”到服务器,并在您希望检索它们时“获取”它们。 AFNetworking非常强大,文档齐全,免费。 你可以在这里了解更多:


每当用户进行更改时,使用AFNetworking的方法将该更改发送到驻留在服务器上的脚本以保存它。 如果要检索它,请执行GET操作。 您需要在应用程序中生成某种唯一键以引用每个用户。 如果您在应用程序中使用任何类型的登录系统,则可以将其绑定到该系统。 如果您希望用户想要从多个设备检索这些设置,您可能需要执行后者。

您还需要决定如何处理冲突的政策。 如果本地保存的设置与您从服务器提取的设置不同,您会怎么做? 如果您的用户无法访问网络,您会使用什么后备?

通常的解决方案是采取最新的(意味着您需要存储更新的时间戳) - 这可能最适合简单的需求 - 但逻辑可能会根据您的需要而有所不同。

  1. 服务器端

您将需要一个服务器端组件来处理将这些更改保存到服务器。 这可以是Node.js,Ruby,PHP等脚本,它接受服务器发送给它的输入,并将其保存在某个数据库或文件中。 这也是一个广泛的主题,实际上取决于您的编程背景在服务器端。

注意:您应该考虑这种设置的安全性需求,尽管如果保存的设置完全不敏感,这可能是最小的。 否则,您需要采取适当措施来保护数据(SSL / TLS,salting / hashing密码等)。

  1. 你需要这个吗?

你在问题中特别提到了“web服务器”,所以我假设你有自己的服务器,并且很乐意为它编写代码(或者愿意学习如何)。 这就是我编写自己的客户端/服务器代码的方式,它有很多优点,但如果你所做的只是保存一些设置,那么你的需求可能会有些过分。

在iOS 8中,Apple推出了一个名为CloudKit的简化iCloud系统。 它将所有内容与用户的iCloud帐户联系起来,并且设计简单。 如果你所做的只是同步一些简单的设置,你可以使用CloudKit的键/值存储来为你处理。

CloudKit有一些缺点。 存储的数据是不透明的(例如,您将无法从Web应用程序或Android应用程序访问它),仅限于iOS 8及更高版本,如果您的应用非常适用,可能会花费您一定的金额,非常受欢迎。 但是,对于简单的设置同步,这可能完全适合您的需求。











It doesn't appear that InAppSettingKit has any built-in support for client/server interaction, so you'll need to implement your own custom synchronization system.

Your question touches on a very broad topic with more than a few possible solutions with varying complexity, so I'll just explain how I'd do it if I were in your situation.


First, I'd integrate something like AFNetworking to simplify the process of saving and retrieval of data to/from the server. This will allow you to easily 'POST' your settings to the server and 'GET' them when you wish to retrieve them. AFNetworking is incredibly powerful, well-documented and free. You can learn more here:


Whenever a user makes a change, use AFNetworking's methods to POST that change to a script residing on your server that saves it. When you wish to retrieve it, perform a GET operation. You'll need to generate some sort of unique key in the app to reference each user. If you use a login system of any sort in your app, you can tie it to that. You'll probably need to do the latter if you expect users to want to retrieve these settings from multiple devices.

You'll also need to decide upon a policy on how to handle conflicts. If the locally-saved settings differ from what you pull from the server, what do you do? What fallback do you use if your user is not able to access the network?

The usual solution is to just take whatever is more recent (meaning you'll need to store a timestamp for updates) - and this is probably most appropriate for simple needs - but the logic may differ depending on your needs.


You will need a server-side component to handle saving these changes to the server. This could be a Node.js, Ruby, PHP, etc. script that takes the input sent to it by the server and saves it either in a database or file somewhere. This, too, is a broad topic and really depends on what your programming background is on the server-side.

Note: You should consider the security needs of such a setup, although this could be minimal if the settings being saved aren't at all sensitive. Otherwise, you will need to take appropriate measures to secure the data (SSL/TLS, salting/hashing passwords, etc).


You specifically mentioned "web server" in your question, so I assumed that you have your own server and are comfortable writing code for it (or willing to learn how). This is how I write my own client/server code and it has many advantages, but could be overkill for your needs if all you're doing is saving some settings.

With iOS 8 Apple introduced a simplified iCloud system called CloudKit. It ties everything to the user's iCloud account and is designed to be simple to set up. If all you're doing is syncing some simple settings you could use CloudKit's key/value storage to handle that for you.

There are some downsides to CloudKit. The stored data is opaque (ie. you won't be able to access it from a web app or an Android app, for instance), is limited to iOS 8 and newer and may cost you a nominal amount if your app is very, very popular. For simple settings synchronization, though, this may be wholly appropriate to your needs.

CloudKit pricing (probably free to you):


WWDC videos about CloudKit:



CloudKit design guide:


CloudKit framework reference:


I hope this helps.


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