首页 \ 问答 \ 在这两种情况下,哪个Neo4j端点正在使用?(Which Neo4j endpoint is in use in these two cases?)

在这两种情况下,哪个Neo4j端点正在使用?(Which Neo4j endpoint is in use in these two cases?)

我在服务器模式下使用Neo4J,并通过REST API发送密码查询。 我也在测量查询的性能,这就是为什么我使用两个不同的库:

(标准?)neo4j-rest-graphdb.jar其中我正在与类RestAPIFacade建立连接: RestAPI graphDb = new RestAPIFacade(...);


据我的理解,这里的一切都使用REST,而Neo4j还没有tcp / socket连接。 对于REST API,您可以使用不同的端点 (例如事务性HTTP端点,...),这可以解释不同的执行时间。 在FOAF查询中,jDBC版本速度提高了一半以上。 为什么这样以及用户代码背后会发生什么?

I'm using Neo4J in server mode, and the cypher queries are being sent over via REST API. I'm also measuring the performance of queries, that is why I use two different libraries:

(Standard?) neo4j-rest-graphdb.jar where I'm establishing a connection with class RestAPIFacade:RestAPI graphDb = new RestAPIFacade(...);


Neo4J-jDBC-2.1.4.jar Where I use DriverManager.getConnection(..) to get a connection.

As far as my understanding goes, everything here uses REST, there is no tcp/socket connection for Neo4j yet. For REST API you can use different endpoints (e.g. transactional HTTP endpoint, ...), which would explain different execution times. jDBC version is more than a half faster on a FOAF query. Why is that so and what is going on behind the user code?

更新时间:2023-07-20 07:07



我做的修改是在Angular Service:

data: invoiceService

没有$ .param ..


return file_get_contents('php://input')


Actually I figured it out!

The modification I made was in Angular Service:

data: invoiceService

That's without the $.param..

And in the Laravel controller all I did was:

return file_get_contents('php://input')

And that worked!


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