首页 \ 问答 \ 执行不同任务的存储过程?(Stored procedure to perform different tasks?)

执行不同任务的存储过程?(Stored procedure to perform different tasks?)


我创建了可用于将新数据插入表中的存储过程。 但是,如果我想使用相同的过程来更新或删除该表中的数据,该怎么办? 我可以轻松地做到这一点,还是我必须为每个功能使用单独的功能/程序?

create or replace procedure add_customer(custid in table.id%type,
name table.name%type) 
insert into table(id, name)
values(id, name);

I have a customer table.

I have created stored procedure I can use to insert new data into the table. But what if I wanted to use the same procedure to update OR delete data from that table. Could I do this easily or do I have to use a separate function/procedure for each function?

create or replace procedure add_customer(custid in table.id%type,
name table.name%type) 
insert into table(id, name)
values(id, name);

更新时间:2024-03-26 08:03



MFMessageComposeViewController接口不提供任何属性或功能来影响其呈现消息的方式。 因为MFMessageComposeViewController不公开其任何视图组件,所以子类化是不可替代的。

(只要100%正确:你当然可以展示MFMessageComposeViewController ,然后一旦它可见,遍历它的整个视图层次结构,直到找到类UITextView的视图,其textattributedText text attributedText等于您提供的body文本,然后将该文本视图的我们完全不鼓励你这样做。封装是有原因的,如果MFMessageComposeViewController没有提供一个接口来选择它的文本视图中的文本,那么MFMessageComposeViewController可以工作(→未经测试)意味着你不应该那样做。)

No. This is not possible.

The interface for MFMessageComposeViewController does not provide any properties or functions to influence the way it presents the message. Subclassing is no alternative either as the MFMessageComposeViewController doesn't expose any of its view components.

(Just to be 100% correct: You could of course present the MFMessageComposeViewController, then once it's visible traverse its whole view hierarchy until you find a view of class UITextView whose text or attributedText property equals the body text you provided and then set that text view's selectedRange to the full range of the text. While this will probably work (→ untested) I totally discourage you to do that. Encapsulation is there for a reason and if the MFMessageComposeViewController doesn't provide an interface to select text inside its text view it means that you're not supposed to do that.)






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