首页 \ 问答 \ 预测曲线拟合matlab(Predictive curve fitting matlab)

预测曲线拟合matlab(Predictive curve fitting matlab)





在这个情况下,你会怎么做? 我所做的是:对于每个新样本,我开始一个新的拟合(因此每个拟合都独立于前一个拟合),并在启动后检查拟合曲线的值2小时(我在2h之前设置的所有曲线)的测量。 如果对于后续拟合的数字(比如说5),未来的价值保持大致相同(+ - 0.2°C),我假设估计是正确的。

这种方法在我看来太简单了,我想我并没有利用所有的信息。 例如,我准时做出的错误信息(例如,我预测的分钟4点,4点30分我发现我正在做错误)。


在图片中,曲线的红色部分被排除(但将来的真实数据会通过它)。 估计是蓝色的。 你看,在这种情况下,我没有一个好的预测......一般来说,我也有更平坦的曲线。

I have a question about curve fitting, I have many curves like the one in the picture.

X axis : time Y axis : temperature

Each sample comes out every 30s.

GOAL : predict the value at the end of the transient

What would you do in this situation? What I am doing is this : for every new sample I start a new fitting (and so each fitting is independent from the previous one) and check the value of the fitted curve 2 hours (all curves I have set before 2h) after the start of the measurement. If for a number (let's say 5) of subsequent fitting the value in the future stays more or less the same(+-0.2°C) I so assume that the estimation is the right one.

This approach seems to me far too simple and I think I am not exploiting all information. For example the info of the error I am making punctually (e.g. at minute 4:00 I predict and at 4:30 I see that I am doing an error).

enter image description here

In the picture the red part of the curve is excluded (but the real data in the future passes through it). the estimation is the blue one. You see in this case I don't have a good prediction... In general I have also more flat curves.

更新时间:2022-10-18 08:10



替换为kubernetes将简单地替换该配置映射中的所有内容。 您不能只更新其中的一个文件或一个单独的属性。

但是,如果您使用客户端Api进行检查,则会发现您是否创建了大量文件的配置图。 然后,这些文件将被存储为一个HashMap,其中key是默认的文件名,value是文件内容编码为一个字符串。 因此,您可以根据HashMap中现有的键值对编写自己的函数。


仅供参考,如果您只想更新一个或几个属性,则可以使用补丁。 但是,实施起来有点困难。

链接可能有所帮助: 如何在不手动修改文件的情况下编辑部署?https://github.com/kubernetes-client/java/blob/master/kubernetes/docs/CoreV1Api.md#patchNamespacedConfigMap

No, you can't.

Replace in kubernetes will simply replace everything in that configmap. You can't just update one file or one single property in it.

However, if you check with the client Api, you will find if you create a configmap with lots of files. Then, those files will be stored as a HashMap, where key is file name by default, value is the file content encoded as a string. So you can write your own function based on existing key-value pair in HashMap.

This is what I found so far, if you find there is already existing method to deal with this issue, please let me know :)

FYI, if you want to update just one or few properties, it is possible if you use patch. However, it is a little bit hard to implement.

this and this may help


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