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用于注释掉代码的Java注释(Java annotation for commented out code)

就像很多人一样,我通常会暂时注释掉代码,主要用于调试目的。 我目前放了像** DEBUG **或者其他任何容易搜索的东西,但我认为编译器输出警告(甚至是错误),只要它发现暂时注释掉的代码可能有用。 我想过使用注释,但注释不能用于标记注释。


So like probably many people out there I usually comment out code temporarily, mostly for debugging purposes. I currently put something like **DEBUG** or whatever that is easily searched for, but I thought having the compiler output a warning (or even an error) whenever it finds code that is temporarily commented out could be useful. I thought of using an annotation, but annotations can't be used to mark comments.

Does anyone know of a better approach than putting an easily searchable string in the commented-out section of code?

更新时间:2021-07-21 19:07





$("#container_svg_John_0").attr('id') === $("#container_svg_John_0")[0].id

$("#container_svg_John_0") is a jQuery object, which does have id property.

$("#container_svg_John_0")[0] returns the dom element, which has id property.

So basically the below is true:

$("#container_svg_John_0").attr('id') === $("#container_svg_John_0")[0].id


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