首页 \ 问答 \ 哪里可以学习使用Pig而无需设置Hadoop [关闭](Where can I learn to use Pig without having to set up Hadoop [closed])

哪里可以学习使用Pig而无需设置Hadoop [关闭](Where can I learn to use Pig without having to set up Hadoop [closed])

我的目标是学习猪,以增强我的机器学习/统计分析工作的简历。 我现在并不是真的对所有细节Hadoop的细节感兴趣(虽然我以后想要学习它们 - 即使有说明,我也很难在我的机器上设置,我更像是一个统计数据而不是一个程序员)。 是否有一些资源我可以学习猪,并且可以轻松访问它进行实验,而无需从头开始学习Hadoop?

My goal is to learn Pig in order to enhance my resume for machine learning/statistical analysis jobs. I am not really interested in all of the nitty gritty Hadoop details at the moment (although I would love to learn them later-it has just been very difficult to set up on my machine even with instructions, I'm more a stats guy than a programmer). Is there some resource where I could learn Pig, and have easy access to it to for experimentation, without having to learn Hadoop from the ground up?

更新时间:2022-08-08 07:08



table th:not(.sortable){  }

You can use :not() selector:

table th:not(.sortable){  }


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  • 我正在尝试在HTML文档中匹配多个CSS样式代码块。 标准答案:不要使用正则表达式来解析HTML。 正则表达式不能可靠地解析HTML,无论你如何复杂和聪明地表达你的表达。 除非您完全确定目标文档的确切格式完全固定,否则字符串或正则表达式处理不足,您必须使用HTML解析器。 () 这是一个贪婪的表达。 中间的(。*)将尽可能匹配。 如果你有两个样式块: