首页 \ 问答 \ x11授权如何工作?(How does x11 authorization works? (MIT Magic Cookie))

x11授权如何工作?(How does x11 authorization works? (MIT Magic Cookie))

我感兴趣的是一个深入的答案,解释x11授权是如何工作的,尤其是MIT Magic Cookies。



1 。 基于主机访问

2 。 基于cookie的访问

3 。 基于用户访问


I am interested in an in depth answer explaining how exactly does X11 authorization works and especially MIT Magic Cookies.

I understand that what it actually does is to forbid access to everyone else except the user that is logged in, also there are some control mechanisms that control whether a client application can connect to an Xdisplay server or not.

I also found that there are five standard access control mechanisms and they can be categorized in three main categories:

  1. Access based on host
  2. Access based on cookie
  3. Access based on user

But from this point and on I don't really understand the way these work and what ways they exactly use in order to do the authorizations.

更新时间:2022-11-01 08:11



$(document).on('click','.printBill',function () {

        // capture input and select value by traversing up into parent(tr),
        // then find element [input, select]
        // this traversing method depend on your table structure
        var studID    = $(this).closest('tr').find('input[name=studentid]').val(),
            ssizeData = $(this).closest('tr').find('select[name=ssize]').val();

        url: "admin_search_save.php",
        data: {
            id        : $(this).val(),
            studentid : studID,
            ssize     : ssizeData,
        success: function (data) {

You need to use event delegation for dynamically added content.

$(document).on('click','.printBill',function () {

        // capture input and select value by traversing up into parent(tr),
        // then find element [input, select]
        // this traversing method depend on your table structure
        var studID    = $(this).closest('tr').find('input[name=studentid]').val(),
            ssizeData = $(this).closest('tr').find('select[name=ssize]').val();

        url: "admin_search_save.php",
        data: {
            id        : $(this).val(),
            studentid : studID,
            ssize     : ssizeData,
        success: function (data) {


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