首页 \ 问答 \ 使用WIndows 10中的pip在Virtualenv中安装Python 3.6.3?(Install Python 3.6.3 in Virtualenv using pip in WIndows 10?)

使用WIndows 10中的pip在Virtualenv中安装Python 3.6.3?(Install Python 3.6.3 in Virtualenv using pip in WIndows 10?)

如何在Windows 10中使用pip在virtualenv中安装Python 3.6.x?

pip install python,pip install python3,pip install python3.6不起作用。

How do you install Python 3.6.x in a virtualenv using pip in Windows 10?

pip install python, pip install python3, pip install python3.6 don't work.

更新时间:2022-03-11 08:03



  1. 如果您不太担心内存(您没有打开大量或非常大的位图),则可以将其存储为32位数字。 通常,第四个字节被解释为“alpha”(在背景上渲染图像时的混合说明符。)大多数现代图像处理库现在以这种方式处理彩色图像。

  2. 您可以将颜色打包到字节数组中并单独访问它们。 RGB和BGR是两种最常见的包装订单。 通常,您最终也会在每行的末尾添加填充字节,以便以字节为单位的宽度与DWORD(4字节)边界对齐。

  3. 您可以将图像分成三个独立的字节数组“平面”,这些平面基本上分别是红色,绿色和蓝色的8位图像。 这是进行图像处理时的另一种常见格式,因为您的过滤步骤通常独立地对通道进行操作。

A few options:

  1. If you're not too worried about memory (you don't have a large number or very large bitmaps open), you can store it as 32-bit numbers instead. Often the fourth byte is then interpreted as "alpha" (a blending specifier when rendering the image on a background.) Most modern image manipulation libraries treat color images in this way now.

  2. You can pack the colors into a byte array and access them individually. RGB and BGR are the two most common packing orders. Usually you also end up putting padding bytes at the end of each row so that the width in bytes lines up with DWORD (4-byte) boundaries.

  3. You can split the image into three separate byte array 'planes', which are basically 8-bit images for Red, Green and Blue respectively. This is another common format when doing image processing, as often your filtering steps operate on channels independently.


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