首页 \ 问答 \ 在VBA中使用列名作为范围(Using column names as range in VBA)

在VBA中使用列名作为范围(Using column names as range in VBA)

我有下面的代码,使用col范围作为值在工作表中搜索列。 相反,我需要使用col名(在该表中)作为搜索条件并执行相同的功能。 我如何实现这一点?

Sub WBR()
Dim Count1Criteria As Variant
Dim Count3Criteria As Variant
Dim test As Variant
Dim wf As WorksheetFunction
Set wf = Application.WorksheetFunction

Filter1InSummary = Array(Array("AE4", "Latency", "O:O", "Pass"), _
                     Array("AE51", "TT", "G:G", "Yes"), _
                     Array("AE52", "TT", "G:G", "No"), _
                     Array("AE61", "Reactive", "R:R", "Item"))

Filter3InSummary = Array(Array("AE43", "TT", "I:I", "<>Duplicate TT", _
                                         "G:G", "<>Not Tested", _
                                         "U:U", "Item"))
For Each test In Filter3InSummary
With Worksheets(test(1))
    Range(test(0)) = wf.CountIfs(.Range(test(2)), test(3), _
                                 .Range(test(4)), test(5), _
                                 .Range(test(6)), test(7))
End With

I have the below code that searches a column in a sheet using the col range as value. Instead of that, I need to use the col name (in that sheet) as he search criteria and perform the same function. How do I implement this?

Sub WBR()
Dim Count1Criteria As Variant
Dim Count3Criteria As Variant
Dim test As Variant
Dim wf As WorksheetFunction
Set wf = Application.WorksheetFunction

Filter1InSummary = Array(Array("AE4", "Latency", "O:O", "Pass"), _
                     Array("AE51", "TT", "G:G", "Yes"), _
                     Array("AE52", "TT", "G:G", "No"), _
                     Array("AE61", "Reactive", "R:R", "Item"))

Filter3InSummary = Array(Array("AE43", "TT", "I:I", "<>Duplicate TT", _
                                         "G:G", "<>Not Tested", _
                                         "U:U", "Item"))
For Each test In Filter3InSummary
With Worksheets(test(1))
    Range(test(0)) = wf.CountIfs(.Range(test(2)), test(3), _
                                 .Range(test(4)), test(5), _
                                 .Range(test(6)), test(7))
End With

更新时间:2024-05-02 07:05




FROM `orders`
GROUP BY DATE(`order_datetime`)
ORDER BY DATE(`order_time`) ASC

它返回列表中的第一个非空值 - 如果它不为空则计数,如果不是则为0。




SELECT  order_datetime,COUNT(*) AS orders
FROM `orders`
GROUP BY DATE(`order_datetime`)
ORDER BY DATE(`order_time`) ASC


for (datetime  d = startdate; d <= enddate; datetime.adddays(1)){
    if (recordset[order_datetime] == d){
        output (d,recordset[orders]);
        output (d,0);




can you use COALESCE?


FROM `orders`
GROUP BY DATE(`order_datetime`)
ORDER BY DATE(`order_time`) ASC

it returns first non null value in the list - count if its not null and 0 if it is.


hang on.. is the issue that there are no rows with those dates so you just get results for those dates?

if so you could return the order date too and be a bit more clever about how you display your result:

SELECT  order_datetime,COUNT(*) AS orders
FROM `orders`
GROUP BY DATE(`order_datetime`)
ORDER BY DATE(`order_time`) ASC

then when outputting your results maybe create a loop that iterates through the dates you are interested in and prints a 0 if there is no row for that date:

for (datetime  d = startdate; d <= enddate; datetime.adddays(1)){
    if (recordset[order_datetime] == d){
        output (d,recordset[orders]);
        output (d,0);

(note i have no idea what programming language that would be ;-)

if you want to do it all in the DB then look at this SO question for how to create a table of the dates on the fly and then you can left outer join from it to you query on date..

Get a list of dates between two dates


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