首页 \ 问答 \ Tomcat / JKS / Keytool - 重新生成私钥?(Tomcat / JKS / Keytool - regenerate private key?)

Tomcat / JKS / Keytool - 重新生成私钥?(Tomcat / JKS / Keytool - regenerate private key?)




Is it possible to regenerate a private key in a .JKS keystore using keytool or equivalent?

I've been supplied with a certificate and a JKS keystore, but on importing the cert it looks like the private key that was used to generate the CSR has been deleted.

I can see how to create a new keystore with a new private key, but this won't then match the CSR or certificate.

更新时间:2023-10-17 07:10


您只需在编译时使用注释。 如果注释类在运行时不可用,则它们将不存在。


如果使用maven,则应声明注释依赖项,并使用scope可选。 可选的依赖项不会包含在客户端中。 因此,只有客户声明它们时才可用。


如果Proj-A在Proj-B上有可选的依赖项(? - >)

 Proj-A ?-> Proj-B 


 Proj-X -> Proj-A 



public @interface ARuntimeAnnotation {



public class Model {





现在客户想要使用Model类。 因此它对model.jar有依赖性。




 Model.class.getAnnotations(); // will be empty if the annotations.jar is not available at runtime

You only have to use the annotations at compile time. If the annotation classes are not available at runtime they will simply not exist.

E.g. if the client code calls AnnotatedElement.getAnnotations() on a domain model class and the annotations it was compiled with are not available in the class path they will not be returned.

If you use maven you should declare the annotation dependencies with scope optional. Optional dependencies will not be included in the client. Thus they are only available if the client declares them.

For example:

If Proj-A has a optional dependency ( ?-> ) on Proj-B

 Proj-A ?-> Proj-B 

and a Proj-X references Proj-A as a compile dependency it will not get the optional dependency Proj-B.

 Proj-X -> Proj-A 

because transitive dependency resolution ends on an optional dependency.

Expect that you have the following annotation in a jar file called annotations.jar

public @interface ARuntimeAnnotation {


and you have the following model class contained in a model.jar

public class Model {


and the model.jar has a dependency to the annotations.jar because it needs it to compile.


If this dependency is optional it will not be automatically become a transitive dependency of someone how only has a dependency on the model.jar.

Now a client wants to use the Model class. Thus it has a dependency to model.jar.


If the client also wants to see the annotation ARuntimeAnnotation it must also include the annotations.jar as a dependency, because it is optional.

If the client does not include dependency on the annotations.jar the following call will return an empty array:

 Model.class.getAnnotations(); // will be empty if the annotations.jar is not available at runtime


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