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sql注入整数字段(sql injection in integer field)

我有一个应用程序,用户名字段将使用integer.parseint将任何给定值转换为整数值。 该应用程序使用JSP和Oracle数据库。

该URL已经过SQLMap测试,并且不是动态的。 所以,我可以尝试的唯一方法是通过登录表单,但我无法绕过它。

当我把'1=1 , - 时,服务器返回错误, error for input string



I have an app, and the username field will convert any given value to the integer value using integer.parseint. The app uses JSP and Oracle database.

The URL has been tested with SQLMap and it is not dynamic. So, the only way I can try is via the login form, but I could not bypass it.

When I put ' or 1=1, -- ,the server return error, error for input string.

I want to inject the field, so, how can it be done?

I don't know whether I can use the alternate encoding because it will convert that to integer anyway.

更新时间:2022-06-27 07:06




column-break ul放在ul标记之外的容器中。 此外,如果您必须处理更复杂的布局,那么一些额外的break属性可能会有所帮助(参见li )。


注意:使用flexbox可能会为您提供更好的结果,以及更新的解决方案。 如果您的项目可以使用flexbox,那么值得尝试。

I had to work on something similar a few years ago, and for what I remember, the cross-browser support wasn't bullet-proof (especially with older browsers) but this should work fairly well.


Put the column-break in a container outside of the ul tag. Also, in case you have to work on more complex layouts, a bunch of extra break properties may be helpful (See li).

Tested with latest Firefox, Chrome, Safari on Mac.

Note: Using flexbox would probably give you a better result, and a more up to date solution. It is worth trying it if your project can use flexbox.


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