首页 \ 问答 \ SQL:如何生成下个日期的日期(SQL: How to produce next date given month and day)

SQL:如何生成下个日期的日期(SQL: How to produce next date given month and day)

在我的表中,我有一个月(tinyint)和一天(tinyint)的领域。 我想有一个函数,它需要这个月份和日期,并为这个月份和下一天的下一个日期(包括年份)生成一个日期时间。

所以如果我有月份= 9,日= 7,它会产生9/7/2009。

In my table I have a Month(tinyint) and a Day(tinyint) field. I would like to have a function that takes this month and day and produces a datetime for the next date(including year) given this month and day.

So if I had Month = 9, Day = 7 it would produce 9/7/2009.
If I had Month 1, Day 1 it would produce 1/1/2010.

更新时间:2022-02-27 16:02




var a = 'someProperty';

var o = {a: 'somePropertyValue'};


将打印{ a: 'somePropertyValue' }不是{someProperty:'somePropertyValue}

如果javascript允许在对象文字表示法中引用属性名称中的变量,则它必须除去未加引号的名称,因为这会导致不明确的名称。 a应该用作属性的值还是应该是变量a的值?


router.get('/vote/:Id/:Value/:Type', function(req, res) {
    var db = req.db;
    var id = req.params.Id;
    var type = req.params.Type;
    var value = parseInt(req.params.Value);
    var newValue = value + 1;
    var collection = db.get('games');

    //We create the $set property/value pair using property assignment, not the object literal
    var updateVal = {};
    updateVal[type] = newValue;

        {"_id" : id},
        {$set: updateVal}   //use it here
        , function (err, doc) {
            if (err) {
                res.send("There was a problem");
            else {


In javascript you cannot use variables as property names in object literals, and that's what you're trying to do.

Try it:

var a = 'someProperty';

var o = {a: 'somePropertyValue'};


will print { a: 'somePropertyValue' } not {someProperty:'somePropertyValue}.

If javascript permitted referencing variables in property names in object literal notation it would have to get rid of unquoted names as those would create ambiguity. Should a be used as the value of the property or should it be the value of the variable a?

Try creating the update object literal with an object crated beforehand without the usage of object literal notation, so your code looks something like this:

router.get('/vote/:Id/:Value/:Type', function(req, res) {
    var db = req.db;
    var id = req.params.Id;
    var type = req.params.Type;
    var value = parseInt(req.params.Value);
    var newValue = value + 1;
    var collection = db.get('games');

    //We create the $set property/value pair using property assignment, not the object literal
    var updateVal = {};
    updateVal[type] = newValue;

        {"_id" : id},
        {$set: updateVal}   //use it here
        , function (err, doc) {
            if (err) {
                res.send("There was a problem");
            else {

Even better, construct the whole $set operation beforehand.


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