首页 \ 问答 \ 为什么Spring Boot会生成一个jar?(Why does Spring Boot generates a jar?)

为什么Spring Boot会生成一个jar?(Why does Spring Boot generates a jar?)

为什么Spring Boot会生成jar文件输出,因为jar无法部署到容器或应用程序服务器?


此外,在项目投入生产时,坚持使用弹簧靴也是一个不错的选择? 从我的观点来看,弹簧启动只是一种快速入门的方式,但我不确定它的可靠性。

Why does Spring Boot generates a jar file output, since a jar could not be deployed to a container or an application server?

It's nice to get it quickly set up (with an embedded container), but eventually you will have to build a war file in order to deploy the application properly.

Furthermore, it is a good choice to stick with spring boot also when the project is in production? From my point of view spring boot is just as a quick way to get started, but I'm not sure about it's reliability.

更新时间:2022-10-05 17:10


当您尝试将其发送到REST API端点时,我假设您正在搜索使用Javascript的方法(因为您没有指定您使用的技术)。


而且,猜猜看,Javascript实现了它的JSON工具! ( 见文件



var arr = {
    text: "This is some text"
var json_string = JSON.stringify(arr);
// Result is:
// "{"text":"This is some text"}"
// Now the json_string contains a json-compliant encoded string.

您还可以使用其他JSON.parse()方法使用javascript解码JSON客户端( 请参阅文档 ):

var json_string = '{"text":"This is some text"}';
var arr = JSON.parse(json_string);
// Now the arr contains an array containing the value
// "This is some text" accessible with the key "text"

如果这不能解答您的问题,请对其进行编辑以使其更加精确,尤其是您正在使用的技术。 我会相应地编辑这个答案

As you're trying to send it to a REST API endpoint, I'll assume you're searching for ways to do it using Javascript (since you didn't specify what tech you were using).

Rule of thumb: except if your goal is to re-build a JSON builder, use the ones already existing.

And, guess what, Javascript implements its JSON tools ! (see documentation here)

As it's shown in the documentation, you can use the JSON.stringify function to simply convert an object, like a string to a json-compliant encoded string, that can later be decoded on the server side.

This example illustrates how to do so:

var arr = {
    text: "This is some text"
var json_string = JSON.stringify(arr);
// Result is:
// "{"text":"This is some text"}"
// Now the json_string contains a json-compliant encoded string.

You also can decode JSON client-side with javascript using the other JSON.parse() method (see documentation):

var json_string = '{"text":"This is some text"}';
var arr = JSON.parse(json_string);
// Now the arr contains an array containing the value
// "This is some text" accessible with the key "text"

If that doesn't answer your question, please edit it to make it more precise, especially on what tech you're using. I'll edit this answer accordingly


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