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Scalaz Reader to ReaderT(Scalaz Reader to ReaderT)

我无法更改的函数返回Scalaz Reader

type Action[A] = Reader[Session, A]

def findAccount(s: String): Action[Account] = 
  Reader((session: Session) => Account(s))

我想基于findAccount(...)创建一个新函数来返回ReaderT[Option, Session, A]

type ActionT[A] = ReaderT[Option, Session, A]

def findAccountT(s: String): ActionT[Account] = findAccount(s).map(Option(_))


def findAccBalT(accountNumber: String) = for {
  acc <- findAccountT(accountNumber)
  bal <- findBalanceT(acc)
}  yield bal

我该怎么办? 是否有意义? 谢谢


import scalaz._
import Scalaz._        

trait Session {
  def doSomething(): Unit

case class Account(number: String) extends AnyVal
case class Amount(value: Int, currency: String) 
case class DBSession() extends Session {
  override def doSomething = println("writing to db")

type Action[A] = Reader[Session, A]
type ActionT[A] = ReaderT[Option, Session, A]

def findAccount(s: String): Action[Account] = 
  Reader((session: Session) => Account(s))

def findBalance(account: Account): Action[Amount] = 
  Reader((session: Session) => Amount(333, "S$"))

// failed
def findAccountT(s: String): ActionT[Account] = findAccount(s).map(Option(_))

// failed
def findBalanceT(account: Account): ActionT[Amount] = findBalance(account).map(Option(_))

// failed
def findAccBalT(accountNumber: String) = for {
  acc <- findAccountT(accountNumber)
  bal <- findBalanceT(acc)
}  yield bal

A function which I cannot change returns Scalaz Reader,

type Action[A] = Reader[Session, A]

def findAccount(s: String): Action[Account] = 
  Reader((session: Session) => Account(s))

I want create a new function based on findAccount(...) to return ReaderT[Option, Session, A] as in

type ActionT[A] = ReaderT[Option, Session, A]

def findAccountT(s: String): ActionT[Account] = findAccount(s).map(Option(_))

because eventually I want to do this,

def findAccBalT(accountNumber: String) = for {
  acc <- findAccountT(accountNumber)
  bal <- findBalanceT(acc)
}  yield bal

How do I proceed? Does it make sense? Thanks

Full disclosure,

import scalaz._
import Scalaz._        

trait Session {
  def doSomething(): Unit

case class Account(number: String) extends AnyVal
case class Amount(value: Int, currency: String) 
case class DBSession() extends Session {
  override def doSomething = println("writing to db")

type Action[A] = Reader[Session, A]
type ActionT[A] = ReaderT[Option, Session, A]

def findAccount(s: String): Action[Account] = 
  Reader((session: Session) => Account(s))

def findBalance(account: Account): Action[Amount] = 
  Reader((session: Session) => Amount(333, "S$"))

// failed
def findAccountT(s: String): ActionT[Account] = findAccount(s).map(Option(_))

// failed
def findBalanceT(account: Account): ActionT[Amount] = findBalance(account).map(Option(_))

// failed
def findAccBalT(accountNumber: String) = for {
  acc <- findAccountT(accountNumber)
  bal <- findBalanceT(acc)
}  yield bal

更新时间:2023-12-06 19:12





As Santi said, it doesn't have its own, but some of the ones available for SQLAlchemy should work:

sqlalchemy-migrate which is also used by tesla-pylons-elixir as a way to get better integration with Pylons.



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