首页 \ 问答 \ Scala案例类背后的内容是什么?(What's behind Scala case classes?)

Scala案例类背后的内容是什么?(What's behind Scala case classes?)

我对Scala很新,但我已经使用过case类。 我理解常规类和案例类之间的主要区别如此处总结。


class Tweet(val user: String, val text: String) {
  override def toString: String =
    "User: " + user + "\n" +
    "Text: " + text + "]"

进入完整案例“兼容”类。 我的意思是,我想编写案例类的相同“行为”但不使用case关键字。 这是可能的还是编译器做了一些我无法通过代码(不包括优化)的东西?



I'm quite new to Scala but I have already used case classes. I understood what are main differences between a regular class and a case class as summarized here.

I do not even think to get rid of case classes, but I would like to know what's the code needed to transform for example, this:

class Tweet(val user: String, val text: String) {
  override def toString: String =
    "User: " + user + "\n" +
    "Text: " + text + "]"

into a full case "compatible" class. I mean, I would like to code the same "behavior" of a case class but without using case keyword. Is this possible or does the compiler do something that I cannot get through code (excluding optimizations)?

Once again to make clear what I'm asking, I will always use case keyword when I need a case class, but once in life time, I would like to know what the Scala compiler (in generic sense) does for me, expressed in code terms.

edit: An additional doubt: will the compiler mark somehow differently my hand coded class from an standard case class so that I can observe a different behavior in execution?

更新时间:2023-08-16 22:08


这里的解决方案并不是让大海沸腾,并且使Ruby中的每一个字符串都将所有内容强制转换为大写字母,而是将大小写转换为系统需要的东西, 以及将其提供给该系统时的情况。

以这种戏剧性的方式更改基本的Ruby类肯定会导致整个代码库崩溃。 许多内部函数依赖于能够将任意数据存储在字符串中,并且如果这些字符串是任意大写的,那么您会遇到很大的麻烦。 这就像重新定义Integer#+所做的一样。 你可以,但你真的不应该。 这将类似于重新定义质子的电荷。 宇宙真的会爆炸。


def to_arcahic(string)

例如,如果他们不允许使用重音字符或表情符号,则需要将这些字符和/或转换为其他字符。 也许“é”变成“E”或者你可能只是删除它。

The solution here is not to boil the ocean and make every string in Ruby force everything to uppercase, but to uppercase the things that system needs if and when you provide it to that system.

Changing fundamental Ruby classes in this dramatic a way is bound to cause your entire code-base to implode. Many internals depend on being able to store arbitrary data in strings, and if those strings are arbitrarily uppercased you're in big trouble. It's like redefining what Integer#+ does. You can, but you really, really shouldn't. This would be akin to redefining the electrical charge of a proton. The universe would literally explode.

It's better to write some kind of adapter method that can operate on arbitrary strings or values and make sure they conform to whatever quirks or encoding your other system uses:

def to_arcahic(string)

If, for example, they don't allow accented characters or emoji, you'll need to strip those out and/or convert them to something else. Maybe "é" becomes "E" or maybe you just delete it.






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