首页 \ 问答 \ 如果有多个通道,则合并,然后从音频文件中获取采样长度并将其保存到s3(If multiple channels, merge then take sample length from audio file and save it to s3)

如果有多个通道,则合并,然后从音频文件中获取采样长度并将其保存到s3(If multiple channels, merge then take sample length from audio file and save it to s3)

我正在使用transloadit从视频文件中提取音频,然后将其保存到S3。 这很好,但我想知道如何:

  1. 检查文件是否有多个频道,然后挤压一个按照https://transloadit.com/demos/audio-encoding/merging-multiple-audio-streams/ - 我需要检查这个或做我默认为使用这个机器人?

  2. 从音频文件中提取一个小样本 - 并将其另存为一个单独的文件。



ffmpeg -ss 0 -t 30 -i original.mp3 sample.mp3


const opts = {
  params: {
    notify_url: `${ process.env.SELF }/services/trans/${ jwToken }`,
    steps:      {
      import: {
        robot:  '/s3/import',
        use:    ':original',
        bucket: process.env.S3_INGEST,
        path:   ingest.key,
        key:    process.env.AWS_ID,
        secret: process.env.AWS_SECRET,
      encode: {
        robot:        '/audio/encode',
        use:          'import',
        ffmpeg_stack: 'v2.2.3',
        preset:       'aac',
        ffmpeg:       {
          ab:  '128k',
      export: {
        robot:   '/s3/store',
        use:     'encode',
        bucket:  s3Export,
        path:    `${ prefix }/${ token }.m4a`,
        headers: {
          'Content-Type': 'audio/mp4',
          'x-amz-server-side-encryption': 'AES256',
        key:    process.env.AWS_ID,
        secret: process.env.AWS_SECRET,

在文档中, https://transloadit.com/docs/conversion-robots/我看不到如何做到这一点?


I am using transloadit to extract the audio from a video file, which is then saved to S3. This works great, but I wanted to know how to:

  1. check if the file has multiple channels and then squash it inot one as per https://transloadit.com/demos/audio-encoding/merging-multiple-audio-streams/ - do I need to check for this or do i default to use this robot?

  2. extract a small sample from the audio file - and save this as a separate file.

For example, I have a 2h audio file from which I want to take 5% of the length and save this as sample.mp3

In ffmpeg, i can cut:

ffmpeg -ss 0 -t 30 -i original.mp3 sample.mp3

but I am unsure how to chain this workflow, here is what i have thus far:

const opts = {
  params: {
    notify_url: `${ process.env.SELF }/services/trans/${ jwToken }`,
    steps:      {
      import: {
        robot:  '/s3/import',
        use:    ':original',
        bucket: process.env.S3_INGEST,
        path:   ingest.key,
        key:    process.env.AWS_ID,
        secret: process.env.AWS_SECRET,
      encode: {
        robot:        '/audio/encode',
        use:          'import',
        ffmpeg_stack: 'v2.2.3',
        preset:       'aac',
        ffmpeg:       {
          ab:  '128k',
      export: {
        robot:   '/s3/store',
        use:     'encode',
        bucket:  s3Export,
        path:    `${ prefix }/${ token }.m4a`,
        headers: {
          'Content-Type': 'audio/mp4',
          'x-amz-server-side-encryption': 'AES256',
        key:    process.env.AWS_ID,
        secret: process.env.AWS_SECRET,

in the docs, https://transloadit.com/docs/conversion-robots/ i can't see how to do this?

any advice is much appreciated.

更新时间:2023-09-11 18:09



$('.message').on('click', '#start', function(){


You have to use the jquery on to bind events to dynamically created elements.

$('.message').on('click', '#start', function(){

Where .message is the elelment your #start element is in.


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