首页 \ 问答 \ 使用Rails + Capistrano与Github和多个分支(Using Rails + Capistrano with Github and multiple branches)

使用Rails + Capistrano与Github和多个分支(Using Rails + Capistrano with Github and multiple branches)

在我的Rails应用程序中,我使用的是Git,GitHub和Capistrano。 我们有2台服务器(升级和生产)。


现在我开始使用Git分支。 我在我的机器上创建了2个分支, devprod 。 我是目前唯一的开发者。 我目前在GitHub上只有分支主机。


1)我应该在现有的GitHub rpo上创建devprod分支,还是应该有一个单独的GitHub仓库用于分期和生产?



In my Rails app, I'm using Git, GitHub, and Capistrano. We have 2 servers (staging and production).

Up to now, I would make code changes on my local machine and push them to GitHub, then during deployment Capistrano would copy to either server from GitHub.

Now I have started using branches with Git. I created 2 branches locally on my machine, dev and prod. I'm the only developer at this point. I currently only have the branch master on GitHub.


1) Should I create the dev and prod branches on the existing GitHub rpo or should I have a separate GitHub repo for staging and production?

2) If I do add branches, how would I tell Capistrano to use the dev branch for staging and the prod branch for production?

3) If using separate repos, how do I push a branch to the right one?

更新时间:2023-04-02 21:04



import { EventEmitter, Output } from '@angular/core';

@Output() updateView = new EventEmitter();

public create(name, description, archived, selectedParents): void {
http.post.subscribe(() => {
  //here the other component should call the get method and refresh the page afterwards
}, () => {


<app-insert-page (updateView)="otherComponentGetMethod()"></app-insert-page>


You can use Angular's Output decorator like this:

import { EventEmitter, Output } from '@angular/core';

@Output() updateView = new EventEmitter();

public create(name, description, archived, selectedParents): void {
http.post.subscribe(() => {
  //here the other component should call the get method and refresh the page afterwards
}, () => {

finally in your "other component" template, you would have this:

<app-insert-page (updateView)="otherComponentGetMethod()"></app-insert-page>

More info here.






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