首页 \ 问答 \ 浅拷贝,为什么列表没有改变(Shallow copy, why does the list not change)

浅拷贝,为什么列表没有改变(Shallow copy, why does the list not change)

我想了解python中浅拷贝和深拷贝之间的区别。 我在这里阅读了很多帖子,他们一直很有帮助。 但是,我仍然不太了解这种差异。 有人可以请解释下面结果的原因。 评论中指出了我不理解的结果。


import copy
import random

class understand_copy(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.listofvalues = [4, 5]

    def set_listofvalues(self, pos, value):
        self.listofvalues[pos] = value

ins = understand_copy()

newins = copy.copy(ins)

print "ins = ", ins.listofvalues
print "in newins", newins.listofvalues
# Gives the following output as I would expect based on the explanations.
# prints ins = [4, 3]
# prints newins = [4, 3]

print "ins =", ins.listofvalues
print "newins =", newins.listofvalues
# Gives the following output as I would expect based on the explanations.
# prints ins = [4, 3, 5]
# prints newins = [4, 3, 5]

newins.listofvalues = [10, 11]
print "ins = ", ins.listofvalues
print "newins = ", newins.listofvalues
# Gives
# ins = [4, 3, 5]
# newins = [10, 11]
# This is the output that I do not understand. 
# Why does ins.listofvalues not change this case.**

I am trying to understand the difference between shallow copy and deep copy in python. I read many posts here and they have been helpful. However, I still don't understand the difference well. Can someone please explain the reason for the result below. The result that I do not understand is indicated in the comments.

Thanks very much.

import copy
import random

class understand_copy(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.listofvalues = [4, 5]

    def set_listofvalues(self, pos, value):
        self.listofvalues[pos] = value

ins = understand_copy()

newins = copy.copy(ins)

print "ins = ", ins.listofvalues
print "in newins", newins.listofvalues
# Gives the following output as I would expect based on the explanations.
# prints ins = [4, 3]
# prints newins = [4, 3]

print "ins =", ins.listofvalues
print "newins =", newins.listofvalues
# Gives the following output as I would expect based on the explanations.
# prints ins = [4, 3, 5]
# prints newins = [4, 3, 5]

newins.listofvalues = [10, 11]
print "ins = ", ins.listofvalues
print "newins = ", newins.listofvalues
# Gives
# ins = [4, 3, 5]
# newins = [10, 11]
# This is the output that I do not understand. 
# Why does ins.listofvalues not change this case.**

更新时间:2023-06-14 06:06



let product'' = 
    dbresult {
        let! custId = getCustomerId "Alice"
        let! orderId = getLastOrderForCustomer "" // error!
        let! productId = getLastProductForOrder orderId 
        printfn "Product is %s" productId
        return productId

desugar to like like(将monad类型命名为DB<'t> ):

let product'' = 
   DB.Delay(fun () ->
       DB.Bind(getCustomerId "Alice",(fun custId ->
          DB.Bind(getLastOrderForCustomer "",(fun orderId ->
             DB.Bind(getLastProductForOrder orderId, (fun productId ->
                printfn "Product is %s" productId
                DB.Return productId)))))))

所以基本上你可以得到每个let!Bind级别let! (你通常可以忽略Delay

正如您所看到的, 计算表达式语法比嵌套Binds更好 - 大多数支持某种类型的monadic表达式的语言具有类似的语法糖 - 甚至C#( from ... in ... select aka LINQ)


let product'' = 
    dbresult {
        let! custId = getCustomerId "Alice"
        let! orderId = getLastOrderForCustomer "" // error!
        let! productId = getLastProductForOrder orderId 
        printfn "Product is %s" productId
        return productId

will desugar to something like (naming the monad type as just DB<'t>):

let product'' = 
   DB.Delay(fun () ->
       DB.Bind(getCustomerId "Alice",(fun custId ->
          DB.Bind(getLastOrderForCustomer "",(fun orderId ->
             DB.Bind(getLastProductForOrder orderId, (fun productId ->
                printfn "Product is %s" productId
                DB.Return productId)))))))

so basically you get a Bind level for each let! (you can usually ignore the Delay)

As you can see the computational expression syntax is much nicer than the nested Binds - most languages which supports monadic expressions of some sort have similar syntactic sugar - even C# (from ... in ... select aka LINQ)


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