首页 \ 问答 \ 使用PHP的odbc来获取varchar(max)列(Using PHP's odbc to grab a varchar(max) column)

使用PHP的odbc来获取varchar(max)列(Using PHP's odbc to grab a varchar(max) column)

我正在为一个类项目组建一个PHP网站,我们正在使用MS SQL Server 2008数据库填充网站上的字段。 但是,其中一个字段是将垃圾输出到页面上而不是实际存储在数据库中的内容。

有问题的字段称为description ,是一个varchar(MAX)字段; 存储过程在数据库中查询元组,并将其表中的值转储到页面上的文本框中; description字段输出到textarea控件。


$res = odbc_exec($dbhandle, "exec dbo.usp_ProgramGet " . $_GET["program"]);
$id = $_GET["program"];
$name = odbc_result($res, "title");
$desc = odbc_result($res, "description");

$name变量按预期工作(在数据库中,它的类型为char(15) )。 但是,如果(例如) description字段包含“这是一个测试”,则$desc将导致“ $ime ”,这是转储到textarea控件中的内容,而不是存储在数据库。



我正在使用SQL Server查询来更新varchar值。 我尝试输入一个非常长的字符串,我得到了这个:


“stringDayToInt”是我写的PHP函数的名称,它存在于一个完全不同的文件中,该文件包含在我正在尝试的页面中。 非常离奇。

I'm putting together a PHP website for a class project, and we are using a MS SQL Server 2008 database to populate fields on the site. However, one of the fields is outputting garbage onto the page instead of what is actually stored in the database.

The field in question, called description, is a varchar(MAX) field; a stored procedure queries the database for a tuple and dumps the values from its table into text boxes on the page; the description field is output to a textarea control.

Here is the PHP that handles pulling the information from the database:

$res = odbc_exec($dbhandle, "exec dbo.usp_ProgramGet " . $_GET["program"]);
$id = $_GET["program"];
$name = odbc_result($res, "title");
$desc = odbc_result($res, "description");

The $name variable works as expected (in the database, it is of type char(15)). However, if (for example) the description field contains "This is a test" then $desc will result in "�$ime�����", which is what gets dumped into the textarea control, instead of what's stored in the database.

I've searched all over and found no solutions to this problem yet, although it sounds like a bug in PHP itself although I'm not sure.


I am using SQL Server queries to update the varchar values. I tried putting in a really long string and I got this:


"stringDayToInt" is the name of a PHP function I wrote that lives in a totally different file that got included into the page I'm trying out. Very bizarre.

更新时间:2022-01-02 06:01



users = max_delay * rate * nb_phones

5s * 1 / s * 8个电话= 40个并发用户





来自FAQ:Twilio短代码默认每秒可发送30条消息; 此限额可以提高额外费用。 由于短代码可以发送大量消息,因此无线运营商会单独批准每个短代码以用于其预期用途。 此批准过程通常需要12到16周。

In ideal conditions:

users = max_delay * rate * nb_phones

5s * 1/s * 8 phones = 40 concurrent users

The 1 minute period doesn't say anything since what matters is when the user makes the request, at that can happen at any given time.

That's how fast you can theoretically send ignoring the time taken by the actual network requests, server queuing etc. In the real world I expect the value to be less than that, so account for an error margin.

This doesn't say anything about how fast the client will receive the SMS.

If you are in US/Canada/UK you can look into shortcodes.

From the FAQ: Twilio short codes can send 30 messages per second by default; this limit can be raised for an additional fee. Because short codes can send high volumes of messages, wireless carriers individually approve every short code for its intended use. This approval process typically takes 12 to 16 weeks.


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