首页 \ 问答 \ NodeJS Lambda问题与操作顺序(NodeJS Lambda issue with order of operations)

NodeJS Lambda问题与操作顺序(NodeJS Lambda issue with order of operations)

主要问题是代码执行CodePipeline时,它会下载一个输入工件,将下载的工件和grep template.yml解压缩为一个名为Function name的字符串。 它大部分时间都有效,但会失败,说偶尔找不到template.yml文件。 如果我再次运行它,它将毫无错误地工作。 任何帮助表示感谢。 谢谢!


// dependencies
const child_process = require('child_process')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const stripDirs = require('strip-dirs')
const AWS = require('aws-sdk')
const unzip = require('unzip')
const shell = require('shelljs')

// global process variable is still accessible
process.env['PATH'] = process.env['PATH'] + ':' + process.env['/tmp']

// get reference to S3 client
const s3 = new AWS.S3({maxRetries: 1, "signatureVersion":"v4"})

exports.handler = function(event, context) {

  const codepipeline = new AWS.CodePipeline()
  let jobId

  // Notify AWS CodePipeline of a successful job
  function putJobSuccess(message) {
    codepipeline.putJobSuccessResult({ jobId },
      (err, data) => {
        if (err)

  // Notify AWS CodePipeline of a failed job
  function putJobFailure(message) {
    console.error('job failure: ', message)
      failureDetails: {
      message: JSON.stringify(message),
       type: 'JobFailed',
       externalExecutionId: context.invokeid
    }, (err, data) => context.fail(message))

  try {
const jobEvent = event['CodePipeline.job']
jobId = jobEvent.id
const jobData = jobEvent.data

// Retrieve the value of UserParameters from the Lambda action configuration in AWS CodePipeline, in this case a URL which will be
// health checked by this function.
const userParams = jobData.actionConfiguration.configuration.UserParameters
const userParamsSplit = userParams && userParams.split(' ')
if (!userParams || !userParamsSplit || userParamsSplit.length !== 1)
  throw new Error('The User Parameters field must contain three items separated by spaces: the input artifact name, the location of the lambda function code within the input artifact, and the destination lambda function name')

const artifactName = userParamsSplit[0]
const artifact = jobData.inputArtifacts.find(a => a.name === artifactName && a.location.type === 'S3')
if (!artifact) throw new Error('artifact not found: ', artifactName)
console.log('Artifact:', artifact)

const tmpDir = '/tmp'

const artifactZipFilePath = path.join(tmpDir, stripDirs(artifact.location.s3Location.objectKey, 2))
console.log('ZipFilePath:', artifactZipFilePath)

  Bucket: artifact.location.s3Location.bucketName,
  Key: artifact.location.s3Location.objectKey
}, (err, data) => {
  if (err) return putJobFailure(`could not download artifact from S3: ${err.stack || err}`)
  fs.writeFileSync(artifactZipFilePath, data.Body)

const zipFileContents = fs.readFileSync(artifactZipFilePath)
const zipFileDir = stripDirs(artifact.location.s3Location.objectKey, 2).slice(0, -4)
console.log('zipFileDir:', zipFileDir)

const newZipArtifact = path.join('/tmp', stripDirs(artifact.location.s3Location.objectKey, 2))
fs.createReadStream(newZipArtifact).pipe(unzip.Extract({ path: '/tmp' }))
const prependFunctionName = shell.grep('FunctionName', '/tmp/template.yml')
const destLambdaFunctionName = prependFunctionName.replace(/^.+:/,'').replace(/\s/g,'')
const command = require('child_process').exec

command(`echo ${destLambdaFunctionName}`, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
  if (error) {
    console.log("Error occurs");

    FunctionName: destLambdaFunctionName,
    Publish: true,
    ZipFile: zipFileContents
  }, function(err, data) {
    if (err) console.log(err, err.stack) // an error occurred
    else     console.log(data)           // successful response
    const sqsMsg = (data)
    putJobSuccess('lambda code updated')
} catch (err) {

The main issue is when the code executes using CodePipeline it will download an input artifact, unzip the downloaded artifact and grep template.yml for a string called Function name. It works most of the time but will fail saying template.yml file not found occasionally. If I rerun it again it will work without errors. Any help is appreciate. Thanks!

'use strict'

// dependencies
const child_process = require('child_process')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const stripDirs = require('strip-dirs')
const AWS = require('aws-sdk')
const unzip = require('unzip')
const shell = require('shelljs')

// global process variable is still accessible
process.env['PATH'] = process.env['PATH'] + ':' + process.env['/tmp']

// get reference to S3 client
const s3 = new AWS.S3({maxRetries: 1, "signatureVersion":"v4"})

exports.handler = function(event, context) {

  const codepipeline = new AWS.CodePipeline()
  let jobId

  // Notify AWS CodePipeline of a successful job
  function putJobSuccess(message) {
    codepipeline.putJobSuccessResult({ jobId },
      (err, data) => {
        if (err)

  // Notify AWS CodePipeline of a failed job
  function putJobFailure(message) {
    console.error('job failure: ', message)
      failureDetails: {
      message: JSON.stringify(message),
       type: 'JobFailed',
       externalExecutionId: context.invokeid
    }, (err, data) => context.fail(message))

  try {
const jobEvent = event['CodePipeline.job']
jobId = jobEvent.id
const jobData = jobEvent.data

// Retrieve the value of UserParameters from the Lambda action configuration in AWS CodePipeline, in this case a URL which will be
// health checked by this function.
const userParams = jobData.actionConfiguration.configuration.UserParameters
const userParamsSplit = userParams && userParams.split(' ')
if (!userParams || !userParamsSplit || userParamsSplit.length !== 1)
  throw new Error('The User Parameters field must contain three items separated by spaces: the input artifact name, the location of the lambda function code within the input artifact, and the destination lambda function name')

const artifactName = userParamsSplit[0]
const artifact = jobData.inputArtifacts.find(a => a.name === artifactName && a.location.type === 'S3')
if (!artifact) throw new Error('artifact not found: ', artifactName)
console.log('Artifact:', artifact)

const tmpDir = '/tmp'

const artifactZipFilePath = path.join(tmpDir, stripDirs(artifact.location.s3Location.objectKey, 2))
console.log('ZipFilePath:', artifactZipFilePath)

  Bucket: artifact.location.s3Location.bucketName,
  Key: artifact.location.s3Location.objectKey
}, (err, data) => {
  if (err) return putJobFailure(`could not download artifact from S3: ${err.stack || err}`)
  fs.writeFileSync(artifactZipFilePath, data.Body)

const zipFileContents = fs.readFileSync(artifactZipFilePath)
const zipFileDir = stripDirs(artifact.location.s3Location.objectKey, 2).slice(0, -4)
console.log('zipFileDir:', zipFileDir)

const newZipArtifact = path.join('/tmp', stripDirs(artifact.location.s3Location.objectKey, 2))
fs.createReadStream(newZipArtifact).pipe(unzip.Extract({ path: '/tmp' }))
const prependFunctionName = shell.grep('FunctionName', '/tmp/template.yml')
const destLambdaFunctionName = prependFunctionName.replace(/^.+:/,'').replace(/\s/g,'')
const command = require('child_process').exec

command(`echo ${destLambdaFunctionName}`, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
  if (error) {
    console.log("Error occurs");

    FunctionName: destLambdaFunctionName,
    Publish: true,
    ZipFile: zipFileContents
  }, function(err, data) {
    if (err) console.log(err, err.stack) // an error occurred
    else     console.log(data)           // successful response
    const sqsMsg = (data)
    putJobSuccess('lambda code updated')
} catch (err) {

更新时间:2024-01-24 06:01



ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.map(&:to_s).select {|x| x.match('::')}


ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.select {|x| x.name.match('::')}

This will return an array with the class names (ie. strings):

ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.map(&:to_s).select {|x| x.match('::')}

while this will return the actual class objects:

ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.select {|x| x.name.match('::')}






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