首页 \ 问答 \ 何时使用MongoDB或其他面向文档的数据库系统?(When to use MongoDB or other document oriented database systems? [closed])

何时使用MongoDB或其他面向文档的数据库系统?(When to use MongoDB or other document oriented database systems? [closed])

我们提供视频和音频剪辑,照片和矢量草图的平台。 我们从MySQL开始作为数据库后端,最近还包括MongoDB存储文件的所有元信息,因为MongoDB更符合要求。 例如:照片可能有Exif信息,视频也可能有我们要存储元信息的音轨。 视频和矢量图形不共享任何常见的元信息等,所以我知道,MongoDB是完美的存储这个非结构化数据并保持可搜索。

然而,我们继续开发我们的平台并添加功能。 现在,下一步将为我们的用户提供一个论坛。 现在出现的问题是:使用MySQL数据库,这将是存储论坛和论坛帖子等的一个不错的选择,也可以使用MongoDB?

所以问题是:何时使用MongoDB和何时使用RDBMS。 你会采取什么,mongoDB或MySQL,如果你有选择,你为什么要这样做?

We offer a platform for video- and audio-clips, photos and vector-grafics. We started with MySQL as the database backend and recently included MongoDB for storing all meta-information of the files, because MongoDB better fits the requirements. For example: photos may have Exif information, videos may have audio-tracks where we to want to store the meta-information of, too. Videos and vector-graphics don't share any common meta-information, etc. so I know, that MongoDB is perfect to store this unstructured data and keep it searchable.

However, we continue developing our platform and adding features. Now one of the next steps will be providing a forum for our users. The question that now arises is: use the MySQL database, which would be a good choice for storing forums and forum-posts, etc. or use MongoDB for this, too?

So the question is: when to use MongoDB and when to use a RDBMS. What would you take, mongoDB or MySQL, if you had the choice and why would you take it?

更新时间:2024-01-21 10:01



// used to store pointers to allocated memory
unsigned char *n[NO_OF_POINTERS]; 

int s[5000]; // used to store sizes when testing


for(i=0;i<NO_OF_ITERATIONS;i++) {
   k=myrand()%NO_OF_POINTERS; // pick a pointer
   if(n[k]) { // if it was allocated then free it
      // check that the stuff we wrote has not changed
      if(n[k][0]!=(unsigned char)(n[k]+s[k]+k))
         printf("Error when checking first byte!\n");
      if(s[k]>1 && n[k][s[k]-1]!=(unsigned char)(n[k]-s[k]-k))
         printf("Error when checking last byte!\n");
   size=randomsize(); // pick a random size
   n[k]=(unsigned char *)MALLOC(size); // do the allocation
   s[k]=size; // remember the size
   n[k][0]=(unsigned char)(n[k]+s[k]+k);  // put some data in the first and
   if(size>1) n[k][size-1]=(unsigned char)(n[k]-s[k]-k); // last byte

最后两行使用基于指针值( n[k] ),分配大小( s[k] )和指针索引( k )的公式将第一个和最后一个字节设置为值。 这个公式没有意义,它只是计算要存储的值,对于不同的指针分配将是不同的。

您突出显示的if语句检查在释放内存之前,第一个( n[k][0] )和last( n[k][s[k]-1] )字节的值没有改变。 该代码基本上是VirtualAllocVirtualFree函数的测试工具。

The code makes more sense with a bit more context.

// used to store pointers to allocated memory
unsigned char *n[NO_OF_POINTERS]; 

int s[5000]; // used to store sizes when testing


for(i=0;i<NO_OF_ITERATIONS;i++) {
   k=myrand()%NO_OF_POINTERS; // pick a pointer
   if(n[k]) { // if it was allocated then free it
      // check that the stuff we wrote has not changed
      if(n[k][0]!=(unsigned char)(n[k]+s[k]+k))
         printf("Error when checking first byte!\n");
      if(s[k]>1 && n[k][s[k]-1]!=(unsigned char)(n[k]-s[k]-k))
         printf("Error when checking last byte!\n");
   size=randomsize(); // pick a random size
   n[k]=(unsigned char *)MALLOC(size); // do the allocation
   s[k]=size; // remember the size
   n[k][0]=(unsigned char)(n[k]+s[k]+k);  // put some data in the first and
   if(size>1) n[k][size-1]=(unsigned char)(n[k]-s[k]-k); // last byte

The last two lines set the first and the last byte to values using a formula based on the pointer value (n[k]), the size of the allocation (s[k]), and the pointer index (k). There is no meaning to this formula, it's just a calculation of a value to be stored that will be different for different pointer allocations.

The if statements you highlighted check that the values of the first (n[k][0]) and last (n[k][s[k]-1]) bytes haven't changed before freeing the memory. The code is basically a test harness for the VirtualAlloc and VirtualFree functions.


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