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Mediawiki数据库恢复(Mediawiki database recovery)

我有一个小的维基,我曾在一个免费的主机上托管,但它似乎被垃圾邮件,主机把它取下来了。 他们传给我一个2GB大的.sql文件。 我正在寻找另一个wiki,将.sql加载到其中并清理混乱(或找到好东西并将其复制出来)。


mysql -u <user> -h mysql.domain.com -p<password> -e "drop database <dbname>;"
mysql -u <user> -h mysql.domain.com -p<password> -e "create database <dbname>;"
mysql -u <user> -h mysql.domain.com -p<password> <dbname> < file.sql


A database query error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software.

这是错误的方法吗? 我能正确完成这项工作的最简单方法是什么?



A database query error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software.

SELECT page_id,page_namespace,page_title,page_restrictions,page_counter,page_is_redirect,page_is_new,page_random,page_touched,page_latest,page_len,page_content_model FROM `page` WHERE page_namespace = '0' AND page_title = 'Main_Page' LIMIT 1
Function: WikiPage::pageData
Error: 1054 Unknown column 'page_content_model' in 'field list' (mysql.domain.com)

I had a small wiki I had hosted on a free host, but it seems it got spammed and the host took it down. They passed me a .sql file which was 2GB large. I am looking to set up another wiki, load the .sql into it and clean up the mess (or find the good stuff and copy it out).

I set up a new mediawiki, then I did the following:

mysql -u <user> -h mysql.domain.com -p<password> -e "drop database <dbname>;"
mysql -u <user> -h mysql.domain.com -p<password> -e "create database <dbname>;"
mysql -u <user> -h mysql.domain.com -p<password> <dbname> < file.sql

It takes a long time but I get no errors, then when I visit the mediawiki url I see:

A database query error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software.

Is this the wrong way to do this? What is the easiest way I can do this correctly?


Now seeing:

A database query error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software.

SELECT page_id,page_namespace,page_title,page_restrictions,page_counter,page_is_redirect,page_is_new,page_random,page_touched,page_latest,page_len,page_content_model FROM `page` WHERE page_namespace = '0' AND page_title = 'Main_Page' LIMIT 1
Function: WikiPage::pageData
Error: 1054 Unknown column 'page_content_model' in 'field list' (mysql.domain.com)

更新时间:2023-08-08 17:08


SPSS有一个FILE HANDLECD命令(正如你所指出的那样)有助于尝试使这些类型的事情更容易。





SPSS has a FILE HANDLE and CD command (as you point out also) that aid to try make these type of thing easier.

However I opt for a different approach that I have all my job setup to use, which if you use Python can implement also.

You can get the dynamic location of a (saved) syntax file using python like so:


I have posted a detailed solution to this in the past which you can find here and may find helpful in your scenario also.


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