首页 \ 问答 \ 有安全的浏览器缓存吗?(Is there a secure browser cache?)

有安全的浏览器缓存吗?(Is there a secure browser cache?)

注意:这是与https不同的问题 - 它与隐私安全性有关

我试图弄清楚是否有办法通过将信息推送到浏览器来减轻我们的服务器[缓存]的负担。 是否有任何技术可以提供绑定到会话的安全缓存?

我们拥有经常使用的隐私敏感数据,但不会有太大变化。 始终从服务器/数据库重新请求更新将降低灵敏度。

解决方案不能依赖于整个时间保持打开的任何页面(例如,没有框架集)。 允许远离页面导航(或打开新选项卡)。

Google Gears适合这里吗? 我找不到任何方法将缓存绑定到会话。

问题域是具有多个Web应用程序用户的咖啡馆/共享计算机登录。 例如,当会话到期或用户注销时,任何地方都不应该有缓存数据。 当他们登录时,我认为没有人会有物理访问计算机。

另请参见可以将HTML5 sessionStorage写入磁盘吗?

Note: this is a different problem to https - it's related to privacy security

I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to take load off our server [cache] by pushing information to the browser. Is there any technology that will provide secure caching that is bound to a session?

We have privacy-sensitive data that's often used, but will not change much. Re-requesting updates from the server/database all the time will reduce the sensitivity.

The solution cannot rely on any page being held open the entire time (e.g. no framesets). Navigation away from a page (or opening a new tab) is allowed.

Does Google Gears fit here? I can't find any way of tying the cache to the session.

The problem domain is cafe/shared machine login with multiple web app users. e.g. when the session expires, or the user logs off, there should be no cached data anywhere. While they are logged on, I presume that nobody will else have physical access to the computer.

See also Can HTML5 sessionStorage be written to disk?

更新时间:2023-04-20 07:04



RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^example1/([A-Za-z-]+)/?$ example2.php?name=$1 [NC]

You should check if the request uri matches the existing file / director before applying the RewriteRule.

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^example1/([A-Za-z-]+)/?$ example2.php?name=$1 [NC]


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