首页 \ 问答 \ LinQ:具有多个列标识符的多个连接(LinQ: Multiple joins with multiple columns identifiers)

LinQ:具有多个列标识符的多个连接(LinQ: Multiple joins with multiple columns identifiers)

你能帮我理解这个错误信息吗? 我确实做错了什么但是什么?

join子句中某个表达式的类型不正确。 调用“加入”时类型推断失败。

Res.AddRange(from jh in db.Job
             join jd in db.JobDetail on jh.number equals jd.number
             join js in db.JobSection on new { jd.number, jd.ref, jd.product } equals new { js.number, js.ref, js.Product }
             join oh in db.Order on jd.ref equals oh.ref
             join bh in db.Buyer on jh.id equals bh.id
             where jh.dateModify >= InputDate
             select jh);


join js in db.JobSection on new { jd.number, jd.ref, jd.product } equals new { js.number, js.ref, js.Product }

Could you help me to understand this error message. I did something wrong for sure but what?

The type of one of the expressions in the join clause is incorrect. Type inference failed in the call to 'Join'.

Res.AddRange(from jh in db.Job
             join jd in db.JobDetail on jh.number equals jd.number
             join js in db.JobSection on new { jd.number, jd.ref, jd.product } equals new { js.number, js.ref, js.Product }
             join oh in db.Order on jd.ref equals oh.ref
             join bh in db.Buyer on jh.id equals bh.id
             where jh.dateModify >= InputDate
             select jh);

The error come from this line

join js in db.JobSection on new { jd.number, jd.ref, jd.product } equals new { js.number, js.ref, js.Product }

更新时间:2023-04-08 08:04


我会考虑使用PHP加载器来处理身份验证,然后返回所需的文件。 例如,而不是执行<img src='picture.jpg' />执行类似<img src='load_image.php?image=picture.jpg' />

您的图像加载器可以验证会话,检查凭据等,然后决定是否将所请求的文件返回到浏览器。 这将允许您将所有安全文件存储在Web可访问的根目录之外,所以没有人会只是将其设置为WGET或“偶然地浏览”。




I would consider using a PHP loader to handle authentication and then return the files you need. For example instead of doing <img src='picture.jpg' /> Do something like <img src='load_image.php?image=picture.jpg' />.

Your image loader can verify sessions, check credentials, etc. and then decide whether or not to return the requested file to the browser. This will allow you to store all of your secure files outside of the web accessible root so nobody is going to just WGET them or browse there 'accidentally'.

Just remember to return the right headers in PHP and do something like readfile() in php and that will return the file contents to the browser.

I have used this very setup on several large scale secure website and it works like a charm.

Edit: The system I am currently building uses this method to load Javascript, Images, and Video but CSS we aren't very worried with securing.


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