首页 \ 问答 \ 一个看似奇怪的OAuthException(A seemingly strange OAuthException)

一个看似奇怪的OAuthException(A seemingly strange OAuthException)

我正在学习构建fb应用程序,并且在第一次尝试时,我得到了这个奇怪的OAuthException。 该教程清楚地提到我需要传递redirect_uri,client_secret,client_id和代码(来自app auth阶段)。 但是当流程完成时,我得到的是JSON错误对象,而不是获取访问令牌:

{"error":{"message":"client_secret should not be passed to \/oauth\/access_token\/","type":"OAuthException"}}


url = "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token/"
url += "?" 
url += urllib.urlencode([('client_id',client_id),
                           ('redirect_uri', redirect_uri),
                           ('client_secret', client_secret),
                           ('code', code)])

变量保存正确的值。(选中> 5次)

I am learning to build fb apps, and on the very first attempt, I get this strange OAuthException. The tutorial clearly mentions that I need to pass redirect_uri, client_secret, client_id and code(from the app auth phase). But when the flow completes, instead of getting an access token here is the JSON error object I get:

{"error":{"message":"client_secret should not be passed to \/oauth\/access_token\/","type":"OAuthException"}}

EDIT: this is the snippet I'm using to build the url(pardon the excessive 2nd line, please)

url = "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token/"
url += "?" 
url += urllib.urlencode([('client_id',client_id),
                           ('redirect_uri', redirect_uri),
                           ('client_secret', client_secret),
                           ('code', code)])

where the variables hold correct values.(checked > 5 times)

更新时间:2023-10-30 17:10



SELECT company_id as cid, 
       ROUND(AVG(rating)) AS rate, 
       COUNT(*) AS review_count,
       COUNT(CASE WHEN `rating` = 5 THEN 1 END) AS rating_5,
       COUNT(CASE WHEN `rating` = 5 THEN 1 END) / (COUNT(*) * 100) AS rating_5_avg,
        ... etc 
FROM `reviews` 
GROUP BY company_id


COUNT(CASE WHEN `rating` = 5 THEN 1 END)


You can use conditional aggregation for this task:

SELECT company_id as cid, 
       ROUND(AVG(rating)) AS rate, 
       COUNT(*) AS review_count,
       COUNT(CASE WHEN `rating` = 5 THEN 1 END) AS rating_5,
       COUNT(CASE WHEN `rating` = 5 THEN 1 END) / (COUNT(*) * 100) AS rating_5_avg,
        ... etc 
FROM `reviews` 
GROUP BY company_id

Using an aggregate that contains a CASE expression:

COUNT(CASE WHEN `rating` = 5 THEN 1 END)

you can obtain a count on a subset of company_id records based on the value of rating field.






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