首页 \ 问答 \ jQuery Ajax不发送Post数据到PHP文件(jQuery Ajax not sending Post data to PHP file)

jQuery Ajax不发送Post数据到PHP文件(jQuery Ajax not sending Post data to PHP file)

我试图使用AJAX将我的JavaScript变量发送到PHP文件,但它不起作用。 我浏览了所有类似的问题(有一堆),但还没有找到解决方案。


<option value="imageOne" data-cuteform-image='assets/SketchThumbnails/imageOne.png></option>
<input id="inputURLID" type="text" name="inputURL">

<button type="submit" onclick="handleInputs(document.getElementById('sketch').value, document.getElementById('inputURLID').value); return false;">Submit</button>


var content = {
    'sketch': pickedSketch,
    'songUrl': enteredURL
    type: "POST",
    url: "loadSketch.php",
    data: content,
    success: function (data, text) {
        // alert("success");
        // console.log(data);
        // console.log(text);

        window.location.href = "loadSketch.php";

    error: function (request, status, error) {


    $temp = $_POST['songUrl'];
    echo $temp;
    echo "received AJAX data";
} else {
    echo "nothing in post variable";

当我被重定向到loadSketch.php(来自成功的ajax调用)时,“post变量中的任何内容”都被回显出来。 任何想法我做错了什么?

任何有识之士都非常感谢! :)

I'm trying to send variables from my JavaScript to a PHP file using AJAX but it's not working. I've looked through all the similar asked questions (there are a bunch) but have yet to find a solution.

This is my first php file (one with the form, sends data to JavaScript):

<option value="imageOne" data-cuteform-image='assets/SketchThumbnails/imageOne.png></option>
<input id="inputURLID" type="text" name="inputURL">

<button type="submit" onclick="handleInputs(document.getElementById('sketch').value, document.getElementById('inputURLID').value); return false;">Submit</button>

JavaScript (where AJAX call is):

var content = {
    'sketch': pickedSketch,
    'songUrl': enteredURL
    type: "POST",
    url: "loadSketch.php",
    data: content,
    success: function (data, text) {
        // alert("success");
        // console.log(data);
        // console.log(text);

        window.location.href = "loadSketch.php";

    error: function (request, status, error) {

PHP (loadSketch.php):

    $temp = $_POST['songUrl'];
    echo $temp;
    echo "received AJAX data";
} else {
    echo "nothing in post variable";

When I get redirected to loadSketch.php (from the successful ajax call), "nothing in post variable" gets echoed out. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

Any insight is much appreciated! :)

更新时间:2024-02-01 19:02



ISO 9899:2011


上述文本对于纯数组(第1段)是真实的。 对于VLA(可变长度数组),如果表达式的值小于或等于零,则该行为是未定义的(第5段)。 这是C标准的规范性文本。 编译器不允许以不同的方式实现它。

gcc -std=c99 -pedantic给出非VLA情况的警告。

An array cannot have zero size.

ISO 9899:2011

If the expression is a constant expression, it shall have a value greater than zero.

The above text is true both for a plain array (paragraph 1). For a VLA (variable length array), the behavior is undefined if the expression's value is less than or equal to zero (paragraph 5). This is normative text in the C standard. A compiler is not allowed to implement it differently.

gcc -std=c99 -pedantic gives a warning for the non-VLA case.


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  • 是的,可以这样做。 您根本不需要命名结构,这使得宏更简单: #define CHAR_ARRAY(MAX_LENGTH) struct {char data[MAX_LENGTH]; int length;} (在您的示例中使用。) 但是,我仍然不完全清楚这个宏的目的,因为这实际上重新实现了现有的功能。 至少你应该使用模板而不是宏来为你生成类型: template struct char_array { char data[N]; std::size_t length; } ...




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