首页 \ 问答 \ 检查Internet连接的可用性+两个线程之间的通信(Check availability of Internet Connection + Communicate between 2 threads)

检查Internet连接的可用性+两个线程之间的通信(Check availability of Internet Connection + Communicate between 2 threads)


  1. 如何检查Internet连接是打开还是关闭? 我正在使用Html Unit,我正在使用Windows。

  2. 我想制作一个JLabel,说明我的JFrame中的互联网连接的可用性。 就像是:

    if(isOnline()) label.setText("online");
    else label.setText("offline");


I have 2 questions:

  1. How can I check if Internet connection is whether turned on or turned off? I'm using Html Unit and I'm working on Windows.

  2. I want to make a JLabel that states the availability of internet connection in my JFrame. Something like:

    if(isOnline()) label.setText("online");
    else label.setText("offline");

but I think I need 2 sperated threads, but how could I create these 2 threads and communicate between them and achieve this?

更新时间:2023-05-17 21:05



这个例子在这里可用,或者您可以通过转到File - > Examples从Processing编辑器运行它。


void checkCollision(Ball other) {

    // get distances between the balls components
    PVector bVect = PVector.sub(other.position, position);

    // calculate magnitude of the vector separating the balls
    float bVectMag = bVect.mag();

    if (bVectMag < r + other.r) {
      // get angle of bVect
      float theta  = bVect.heading();
      // precalculate trig values
      float sine = sin(theta);
      float cosine = cos(theta);

      /* bTemp will hold rotated ball positions. You 
       just need to worry about bTemp[1] position*/
      PVector[] bTemp = {
        new PVector(), new PVector()

        /* this ball's position is relative to the other
         so you can use the vector between them (bVect) as the 
         reference point in the rotation expressions.
         bTemp[0].position.x and bTemp[0].position.y will initialize
         automatically to 0.0, which is what you want
         since b[1] will rotate around b[0] */
        bTemp[1].x  = cosine * bVect.x + sine * bVect.y;
      bTemp[1].y  = cosine * bVect.y - sine * bVect.x;

      // rotate Temporary velocities
      PVector[] vTemp = {
        new PVector(), new PVector()

        vTemp[0].x  = cosine * velocity.x + sine * velocity.y;
      vTemp[0].y  = cosine * velocity.y - sine * velocity.x;
      vTemp[1].x  = cosine * other.velocity.x + sine * other.velocity.y;
      vTemp[1].y  = cosine * other.velocity.y - sine * other.velocity.x;

      /* Now that velocities are rotated, you can use 1D
       conservation of momentum equations to calculate 
       the final velocity along the x-axis. */
      PVector[] vFinal = {  
        new PVector(), new PVector()

      // final rotated velocity for b[0]
      vFinal[0].x = ((m - other.m) * vTemp[0].x + 2 * other.m * vTemp[1].x) / (m + other.m);
      vFinal[0].y = vTemp[0].y;

      // final rotated velocity for b[0]
      vFinal[1].x = ((other.m - m) * vTemp[1].x + 2 * m * vTemp[0].x) / (m + other.m);
      vFinal[1].y = vTemp[1].y;

      // hack to avoid clumping
      bTemp[0].x += vFinal[0].x;
      bTemp[1].x += vFinal[1].x;

      /* Rotate ball positions and velocities back
       Reverse signs in trig expressions to rotate 
       in the opposite direction */
      // rotate balls
      PVector[] bFinal = { 
        new PVector(), new PVector()

      bFinal[0].x = cosine * bTemp[0].x - sine * bTemp[0].y;
      bFinal[0].y = cosine * bTemp[0].y + sine * bTemp[0].x;
      bFinal[1].x = cosine * bTemp[1].x - sine * bTemp[1].y;
      bFinal[1].y = cosine * bTemp[1].y + sine * bTemp[1].x;

      // update balls to screen position
      other.position.x = position.x + bFinal[1].x;
      other.position.y = position.y + bFinal[1].y;


      // update velocities
      velocity.x = cosine * vFinal[0].x - sine * vFinal[0].y;
      velocity.y = cosine * vFinal[0].y + sine * vFinal[0].x;
      other.velocity.x = cosine * vFinal[1].x - sine * vFinal[1].y;
      other.velocity.y = cosine * vFinal[1].y + sine * vFinal[1].x;

One of the examples that comes with Processing shows exactly this: using the conservation of momentum equations to calculate the velocity of multiple balls.

That example is available here, or you can just run it from the Processing editor by going to File -> Examples.

The example contains quite a bit of code, but the interesting part is here:

void checkCollision(Ball other) {

    // get distances between the balls components
    PVector bVect = PVector.sub(other.position, position);

    // calculate magnitude of the vector separating the balls
    float bVectMag = bVect.mag();

    if (bVectMag < r + other.r) {
      // get angle of bVect
      float theta  = bVect.heading();
      // precalculate trig values
      float sine = sin(theta);
      float cosine = cos(theta);

      /* bTemp will hold rotated ball positions. You 
       just need to worry about bTemp[1] position*/
      PVector[] bTemp = {
        new PVector(), new PVector()

        /* this ball's position is relative to the other
         so you can use the vector between them (bVect) as the 
         reference point in the rotation expressions.
         bTemp[0].position.x and bTemp[0].position.y will initialize
         automatically to 0.0, which is what you want
         since b[1] will rotate around b[0] */
        bTemp[1].x  = cosine * bVect.x + sine * bVect.y;
      bTemp[1].y  = cosine * bVect.y - sine * bVect.x;

      // rotate Temporary velocities
      PVector[] vTemp = {
        new PVector(), new PVector()

        vTemp[0].x  = cosine * velocity.x + sine * velocity.y;
      vTemp[0].y  = cosine * velocity.y - sine * velocity.x;
      vTemp[1].x  = cosine * other.velocity.x + sine * other.velocity.y;
      vTemp[1].y  = cosine * other.velocity.y - sine * other.velocity.x;

      /* Now that velocities are rotated, you can use 1D
       conservation of momentum equations to calculate 
       the final velocity along the x-axis. */
      PVector[] vFinal = {  
        new PVector(), new PVector()

      // final rotated velocity for b[0]
      vFinal[0].x = ((m - other.m) * vTemp[0].x + 2 * other.m * vTemp[1].x) / (m + other.m);
      vFinal[0].y = vTemp[0].y;

      // final rotated velocity for b[0]
      vFinal[1].x = ((other.m - m) * vTemp[1].x + 2 * m * vTemp[0].x) / (m + other.m);
      vFinal[1].y = vTemp[1].y;

      // hack to avoid clumping
      bTemp[0].x += vFinal[0].x;
      bTemp[1].x += vFinal[1].x;

      /* Rotate ball positions and velocities back
       Reverse signs in trig expressions to rotate 
       in the opposite direction */
      // rotate balls
      PVector[] bFinal = { 
        new PVector(), new PVector()

      bFinal[0].x = cosine * bTemp[0].x - sine * bTemp[0].y;
      bFinal[0].y = cosine * bTemp[0].y + sine * bTemp[0].x;
      bFinal[1].x = cosine * bTemp[1].x - sine * bTemp[1].y;
      bFinal[1].y = cosine * bTemp[1].y + sine * bTemp[1].x;

      // update balls to screen position
      other.position.x = position.x + bFinal[1].x;
      other.position.y = position.y + bFinal[1].y;


      // update velocities
      velocity.x = cosine * vFinal[0].x - sine * vFinal[0].y;
      velocity.y = cosine * vFinal[0].y + sine * vFinal[0].x;
      other.velocity.x = cosine * vFinal[1].x - sine * vFinal[1].y;
      other.velocity.y = cosine * vFinal[1].y + sine * vFinal[1].x;


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