首页 \ 问答 \ JAVA线程池重用线程(JAVA Thread pool reusing threads)

JAVA线程池重用线程(JAVA Thread pool reusing threads)

大家。 我对使用Thread Pools有误解。 实际结果与此类的API描述不同。 当我在线程池中使用LinkedBlockedQueue并且它不重用线程时,线程池等待在构造函数中设置的KeepAliveTime,然后终止该线程并创建一个新线程。 当我将KeepAliveTime设置为较小时,例如1秒或更短时间它会删除线程并重新创建它,但如果我设置了一分钟,则不会创建新线程,因为MaxPoolSize不允许它并且队列已经满了所以所有任务都被拒绝,但线程为keepAliveTime这次设置什么都不做。 我很新,不明白为什么它不重用这些线程。 在keepTimeAlive到期后,它会杀死这些线程,如果队列已满,则会创建一个新线程。 为什么这样工作? 据我所知,如果线程在keepAliveTime期间处于空闲状态,它必须重用它。 它在我使用SynchronousQueue时重用了线程,但没有使用LinkedBlockingQueue

public class Main {

    private volatile int remainingTasksCount;
    private volatile static ThreadPoolExecutor consumer = new ThreadPoolExecutor(1, 2, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES, new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(3));

    private static Runnable task = () -> {
        System.out.println(String.format("consumer %s, id %s, size %s, active count %s, queue %s",
                Thread.currentThread().getName(), Thread.currentThread().getId(),
                consumer.getPoolSize(), consumer.getActiveCount(), 3-consumer.getQueue().remainingCapacity()));
        String s = new String();
        synchronized (s) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        try {
            new Thread(() -> {
                while (true) {
                    try {
                        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                        System.out.println("PUSH TASKS");
                        synchronized (Thread.currentThread()) {
                    } catch (Throwable th) {
        } catch (Throwable th) {


consumer pool-1-thread-1, id 15, size 2, active count 2, queue 3
consumer pool-1-thread-2, id 16, size 2, active count 2, queue 3
consumer pool-1-thread-2, id 16, size 2, active count 2, queue 1
consumer pool-1-thread-1, id 15, size 2, active count 1, queue 2
consumer pool-1-thread-1, id 15, size 2, active count 1, queue 0
Disconnected from the target VM, address: '', transport: 'socket'

Process finished with exit code 1


如果我将keepAliveTime更改为1 Second 。 一切都运作良好,但创建新的线程。

consumer pool-1-thread-2, id 16, size 2, active count 2, queue 3
consumer pool-1-thread-1, id 15, size 2, active count 2, queue 3
consumer pool-1-thread-2, id 16, size 2, active count 2, queue 2
consumer pool-1-thread-1, id 15, size 2, active count 2, queue 1
consumer pool-1-thread-2, id 16, size 2, active count 1, queue 0
consumer pool-1-thread-3, id 17, size 2, active count 2, queue 3
consumer pool-1-thread-2, id 16, size 2, active count 2, queue 2
consumer pool-1-thread-3, id 17, size 2, active count 2, queue 1
consumer pool-1-thread-2, id 16, size 2, active count 2, queue 1
consumer pool-1-thread-3, id 17, size 2, active count 1, queue 0
consumer pool-1-thread-3, id 17, size 1, active count 1, queue 2
consumer pool-1-thread-4, id 18, size 2, active count 2, queue 3
consumer pool-1-thread-3, id 17, size 2, active count 2, queue 1
consumer pool-1-thread-4, id 18, size 2, active count 2, queue 1
consumer pool-1-thread-3, id 17, size 2, active count 1, queue 0
consumer pool-1-thread-3, id 17, size 2, active count 2, queue 2
consumer pool-1-thread-5, id 19, size 2, active count 2, queue 3
consumer pool-1-thread-3, id 17, size 2, active count 2, queue 1
consumer pool-1-thread-5, id 19, size 2, active count 2, queue 1
consumer pool-1-thread-3, id 17, size 2, active count 1, queue 0


everyone. I have a misunderstanding of working with Thread Pools. The real result differs from API description of this class. When I am using LinkedBlockedQueue in Thread pool with it does not reuse threads, thread pool wait KeepAliveTime that was set in the constructor, then kill this thread and create a new one. When I set KeepAliveTime small, like 1 second or less it deletes thread a recreate it, but if I set for a minute new threads aren't created because MaxPoolSize doesn't allow it and queue already full so all tasks rejected, but threads for which keepAliveTime set minute doing nothing this time. I am quite new and don't understand why it doesn't reuse these threads. after keepTimeAlive expiration it kills these thread and if queue full, it creates a new one. Why it works this way? As far as I understood from API it has to reuse it if threads are idle during keepAliveTime. It reuses threads when I used SynchronousQueue, but not LinkedBlockingQueue.

public class Main {

    private volatile int remainingTasksCount;
    private volatile static ThreadPoolExecutor consumer = new ThreadPoolExecutor(1, 2, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES, new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(3));

    private static Runnable task = () -> {
        System.out.println(String.format("consumer %s, id %s, size %s, active count %s, queue %s",
                Thread.currentThread().getName(), Thread.currentThread().getId(),
                consumer.getPoolSize(), consumer.getActiveCount(), 3-consumer.getQueue().remainingCapacity()));
        String s = new String();
        synchronized (s) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        try {
            new Thread(() -> {
                while (true) {
                    try {
                        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                        System.out.println("PUSH TASKS");
                        synchronized (Thread.currentThread()) {
                    } catch (Throwable th) {
        } catch (Throwable th) {


consumer pool-1-thread-1, id 15, size 2, active count 2, queue 3
consumer pool-1-thread-2, id 16, size 2, active count 2, queue 3
consumer pool-1-thread-2, id 16, size 2, active count 2, queue 1
consumer pool-1-thread-1, id 15, size 2, active count 1, queue 2
consumer pool-1-thread-1, id 15, size 2, active count 1, queue 0
Disconnected from the target VM, address: '', transport: 'socket'

Process finished with exit code 1

But next time producer submit tasks, I get RejectedExecutionException

if I change keepAliveTime to 1 Second. Everything is working well, but creates new Threads.

consumer pool-1-thread-2, id 16, size 2, active count 2, queue 3
consumer pool-1-thread-1, id 15, size 2, active count 2, queue 3
consumer pool-1-thread-2, id 16, size 2, active count 2, queue 2
consumer pool-1-thread-1, id 15, size 2, active count 2, queue 1
consumer pool-1-thread-2, id 16, size 2, active count 1, queue 0
consumer pool-1-thread-3, id 17, size 2, active count 2, queue 3
consumer pool-1-thread-2, id 16, size 2, active count 2, queue 2
consumer pool-1-thread-3, id 17, size 2, active count 2, queue 1
consumer pool-1-thread-2, id 16, size 2, active count 2, queue 1
consumer pool-1-thread-3, id 17, size 2, active count 1, queue 0
consumer pool-1-thread-3, id 17, size 1, active count 1, queue 2
consumer pool-1-thread-4, id 18, size 2, active count 2, queue 3
consumer pool-1-thread-3, id 17, size 2, active count 2, queue 1
consumer pool-1-thread-4, id 18, size 2, active count 2, queue 1
consumer pool-1-thread-3, id 17, size 2, active count 1, queue 0
consumer pool-1-thread-3, id 17, size 2, active count 2, queue 2
consumer pool-1-thread-5, id 19, size 2, active count 2, queue 3
consumer pool-1-thread-3, id 17, size 2, active count 2, queue 1
consumer pool-1-thread-5, id 19, size 2, active count 2, queue 1
consumer pool-1-thread-3, id 17, size 2, active count 1, queue 0

I will be glad if someone could explain me my fault, or something basic principle that I missed

更新时间:2023-10-28 22:10


好的,重新阅读你的问题后,听起来你只需要访问一个名称与属性相似的变量。 假设它是一个全局变量,请这样做:

   var tinymceopts = $(this).attr('tinymce');

您现在引用一个变量window.basicoptions,而不是将字符串'basicoptions'传递给tinymce方法,它应该映射到您的var basicoptions变量,假设范围确实在全局级别。 如果不是,只需将window替换为适用的命名空间即可。

Ok after re-reading your question, it sounds like you just need to access a variable with the name similar to the attribute. Assuming it's a global variable, do it like this:

   var tinymceopts = $(this).attr('tinymce');

Instead of passing the string 'basicoptions' to the tinymce method, you're now referencing a variable window.basicoptions which should map to your var basicoptions variable, assuming the scope was indeed at the global level. If it wasn't, just replace window with the applicable namespace.


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