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IE下的HTML5问题(HTML5 under IE questions)


我看到HTML5网站 ,一切看起来都很好,所以,当我完成我的时候我非常高兴......好吧, 当我搬到一台Windows机器时 :(不


在Internet Explorer下, 这显示什么都没有 ...我内心如此反抗你无法想象,我认为它必须是简单的东西,但我不能只是找到它是什么...

如果将所有HTML5新标签重命名<div>标签 ,则网站显示但不在中心位置...

我一直以为所有新的HTML5标签都会回滚到<div> s ...

关于我做错了什么,任何人都可以帮助我吗? 我忘记了这一切吗? 谢谢

网站在IE9预览版上运行良好,以及所有其他浏览器(Safari,Mobile Safari,FF,Opera,Chrome等)......



I'm getting a really bad end of a day as I started to change my main website to the brand new HTML5, but ...

I see HTML5 websites and everything looks fine on them, so, when I finished mine I was very pleased... well, not when I moved to a windows machine :(


under Internet Explorer, this shows absolutely nothing... I'm so revolted inside that u can't imagine, I think it has to be something simple, but I can't just find what it is ...

if a rename all HTML5 new tags into <div> tags, the website shows but not in a central position...

I always thought that all new HTML5 tags would roll back into <div>s ...

can anyone assist me, on what I'm doing wrong? what am I forgetting in all this? Thank you.

website works fine on IE9 Preview though, and all other browsers (Safari, Mobile Safari, FF, Opera, Chrome, etc)...


P.S. this is a question from a really desperate fellow!

更新时间:2021-11-13 10:11



    if(isset($_FILES['file']) && !empty($_FILES['file']['name'])){
     $filename  = basename($_FILES['file']['name']);// i am not getting value here
     $extension = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
     $new_name= md5($filename.time()).'.'.$extension;
     $update = mysql_query("UPDATE task_employee SET emp_lastname='$lstname',emp_main_photo = '$new_name' WHERE emp_id='".$_SESSION['emp_id']."'");
     $update = mysql_query("UPDATE task_employee SET emp_lastname='$lstname' WHERE emp_id='".$_SESSION['emp_id']."'");

Why don't you have write a condition over it like if user changed photo then you will get its name but if the user doesn't you will get that field empty.

    if(isset($_FILES['file']) && !empty($_FILES['file']['name'])){
     $filename  = basename($_FILES['file']['name']);// i am not getting value here
     $extension = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
     $new_name= md5($filename.time()).'.'.$extension;
     $update = mysql_query("UPDATE task_employee SET emp_lastname='$lstname',emp_main_photo = '$new_name' WHERE emp_id='".$_SESSION['emp_id']."'");
     $update = mysql_query("UPDATE task_employee SET emp_lastname='$lstname' WHERE emp_id='".$_SESSION['emp_id']."'");


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