首页 \ 问答 \ 如何在付款期结束后找到下周五(How to find the following Friday after a pay period ends)

如何在付款期结束后找到下周五(How to find the following Friday after a pay period ends)

我的公司每个星期五支付前一周的销售额。 我们的工作时间从星期日到星期六,我们将在每个星期五获得在该付款期内完成的任何工作。

我在J栏中列出了我的销售日期,我希望相应的发薪日出现在M栏中。所以如果J1有1/14/17,M1将返回1/20/17。 我发现的公式是:


除了星期六的任何销售都没有支付13天,并且他们应该在6天内付款时,这几乎是完美的。 那么我该如何改变它以获得我需要的东西呢?

My company pays every Friday on the sales from the previous week. Our work period goes from Sunday to Saturday, and we get paid every following Friday for any work done in that pay period.

I have the dates of my sales in column J, and I want the corresponding payday to appear in column M. So if J1 had 1/14/17, M1 would return 1/20/17. The formula I found is:


This works almost perfectly except that any sales made on a Saturday don't get paid out for 13 days, and they should get paid out in 6 days. So how do I change this to get what I need?

更新时间:2023-11-19 22:11




public interface IdentityMapAccessor {
     * PUBLIC:
     * Used to print all the Objects in the identity map of the given Class type.
     * The output of this method will be logged to this session's SessionLog at SEVERE level.
    public void printIdentityMap(Class theClass);

     * PUBLIC:
     * Used to print all the Objects in every identity map in this session.
     * The output of this method will be logged to this session's SessionLog at SEVERE level.
    public void printIdentityMaps();


((JpaEntityManager) entityManager.getDelegate())
((JpaEntityManager) entityManager.getDelegate())

After exploring the EclipseLink source code I found that the objects stored in the persistence context (isolated cache) are located in a maps called identityMaps for each entity class there is a map which stores all the objects of that type.

You can print the contents of the map using the following methods:

public interface IdentityMapAccessor {
     * PUBLIC:
     * Used to print all the Objects in the identity map of the given Class type.
     * The output of this method will be logged to this session's SessionLog at SEVERE level.
    public void printIdentityMap(Class theClass);

     * PUBLIC:
     * Used to print all the Objects in every identity map in this session.
     * The output of this method will be logged to this session's SessionLog at SEVERE level.
    public void printIdentityMaps();


((JpaEntityManager) entityManager.getDelegate())
((JpaEntityManager) entityManager.getDelegate())


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