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洪水填充算法(Flood fill algorithm)

即时通讯工作在一个简单的图形库在C与涡轮C ++,因为即时通讯开发一个非常原始的版本的油漆风格程序,everyting工作得很好,但我不能让洪水填充算法工作。 我使用4路洪水填充算法,首先我尝试了递归版本,但它只适用于小面积,填充大面积使其崩溃; 阅读我发现,实现一个明确的堆栈版本,它解决了这个问题,但我没有真正看到它。


struct node
    int x, y;
    struct node *next;

int push(struct node **top, int x, int y)
    struct node *newNode;
    newNode = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
    if(newNode == NULL) //If there is no more memory
        return 0;
    newNode->x = x;
    newNode->y = y;
    newNode->next = *top;
    *top = newNode;
    return 1; //If we push the element correctly

int pop(struct node **top, int &x, int &y)
    if(*top == NULL) //If the stack is empty
        return 0;
    struct node *temporal;
    temporal = *top;
    x = (*top)->x;
    y = (*top)->y;
    *top = (*top)->next;
    return 1; //If we pop an element 


void floodFill(int x, int y, int color_to_replace, int color_to_fill)
    if(color_to_replace == color_to_fill)
 struct node *stack = NULL;
 if(push(&stack, x, y) == 0) //If we can´t push the pixel
    while(pop(&stack, x, y) == 1) //While are pixels in the stack
        pixel(x, y, color_to_fill);
        if(x+1 < 640 && read_pixel(x+1, y) == color_to_replace)
            if(push(&stack, x+1, y) == 0)
        if(x-1 >= 0 && read_pixel(x-1, y) == color_to_replace)
            if(push(&stack, x-1, y) == 0)
        if(y+1 < 480 && read_pixel(x, y+1) == color_to_replace)
            if(push(&stack, x, y+1) == 0)
        if(y-1 >= 0 && read_pixel(x, y-1) == color_to_replace)
            if(push(&stack, x, y-1) == 0)

但它仍然没有工作,当我试图填补大面积停止,因为我在我的程序中使用640 X 480分辨率,这真的是一个问题; 任何想法,为什么它不工作?

im working in a simple graphical library in C with turbo C++ because im developing a very primitive version of a paint style program, everyting works well but i can´t get the flood fill algorithm to work. Im using the 4 way flood fill algorithm, first i tried with the recursive version but it only work with small areas, filling large areas make it crash; reading i found that implement an explicit stack version of it solve the problem but i don´t really see it.

I have developed a stack like this:

struct node
    int x, y;
    struct node *next;

int push(struct node **top, int x, int y)
    struct node *newNode;
    newNode = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
    if(newNode == NULL) //If there is no more memory
        return 0;
    newNode->x = x;
    newNode->y = y;
    newNode->next = *top;
    *top = newNode;
    return 1; //If we push the element correctly

int pop(struct node **top, int &x, int &y)
    if(*top == NULL) //If the stack is empty
        return 0;
    struct node *temporal;
    temporal = *top;
    x = (*top)->x;
    y = (*top)->y;
    *top = (*top)->next;
    return 1; //If we pop an element 

And this is the code i have make to the flood fill function:

void floodFill(int x, int y, int color_to_replace, int color_to_fill)
    if(color_to_replace == color_to_fill)
 struct node *stack = NULL;
 if(push(&stack, x, y) == 0) //If we can´t push the pixel
    while(pop(&stack, x, y) == 1) //While are pixels in the stack
        pixel(x, y, color_to_fill);
        if(x+1 < 640 && read_pixel(x+1, y) == color_to_replace)
            if(push(&stack, x+1, y) == 0)
        if(x-1 >= 0 && read_pixel(x-1, y) == color_to_replace)
            if(push(&stack, x-1, y) == 0)
        if(y+1 < 480 && read_pixel(x, y+1) == color_to_replace)
            if(push(&stack, x, y+1) == 0)
        if(y-1 >= 0 && read_pixel(x, y-1) == color_to_replace)
            if(push(&stack, x, y-1) == 0)

But it still don´t work, when im triying to fill large areas it just stop and because im working with resolution 640 X 480 in my program that´s really a problem; any ideas why it dont work?

更新时间:2021-07-10 12:07


print(__FUNCTION__) // Swift
NSLog(@"%@", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)); // Objective-C

Swift 3及以上


print(__FUNCTION__) // Swift
NSLog(@"%@", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)); // Objective-C

Swift 3 and above



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