首页 \ 问答 \ 如何在JNI中从C ++调用Java方法(How to call Java methods from C++ in JNI)

如何在JNI中从C ++调用Java方法(How to call Java methods from C++ in JNI)

所以我正在编写一个使用大型c ++库的Android应用程序。 我有一切工作,以便java应用程序可以调用c ++委托方法,但我发现自己希望我可以将消息从c ++记录到Android日志。 这很容易从java中,但我不知道如何从c ++调用java方法。 我的搜索找到了从c ++中打开jvm的方法,这完全不是我想要做的。 理想情况下,我想将一个日志方法指针传递给c ++,然后可以随时使用它。 当然,java不支持方法指针。 我的java方法看起来像这样:

private void log(String s){
   Log.i(Tag, s);     // Android log

我只是不知道如何让c ++来访问这个方法。

So I'm writing an Android app which uses a large c++ library. I have everything working so that the java app can call the c++ delegation methods, but I'm finding myself wishing I could log messages from c++ to the Android log. This is easy from java, but I'm at a loss as to how to call a java method from c++. My searches found methods for opening a jvm from c++, which is not at all what I want to do. Ideally, I'd like to pass a log method pointer to c++, which could then be used whenever I wanted. Of course, java doesn't support method pointers. My java method would look something like:

private void log(String s){
   Log.i(Tag, s);     // Android log

I just don't know how to allow c++ to access this method.

更新时间:2024-01-29 08:01


迭代器(在你的情况下int i )每次迭代增加1。 如果幻数无效,您可以将迭代器递减1。

if (guess > randomNumber && guess <= 100){
    System.out.println("Your guess, "+guess+", is greater than the magic number.");
    // If the value of i at this point is 1
    i--; //Decrement i by 1
    // Now the value of i is 0. The value of i in the next iteration will be 1
else if (guess < randomNumber && guess > 0){
    System.out.println("Your guess, "+guess+", is less than the magic number.");
    // If the value of i at this point is 1
    i--; //Decrement i by 1
    // Now the value of i is 0. The value of i in the next iteration will be 1

The iterator (in your case int i) increment by 1 for each iteration. You can decrement your iterator by 1 if the magic number is invalid.

if (guess > randomNumber && guess <= 100){
    System.out.println("Your guess, "+guess+", is greater than the magic number.");
    // If the value of i at this point is 1
    i--; //Decrement i by 1
    // Now the value of i is 0. The value of i in the next iteration will be 1
else if (guess < randomNumber && guess > 0){
    System.out.println("Your guess, "+guess+", is less than the magic number.");
    // If the value of i at this point is 1
    i--; //Decrement i by 1
    // Now the value of i is 0. The value of i in the next iteration will be 1






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