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如何为eclipse Kepler安装SWT(How to install SWT for eclipse Kepler)

我最近下载了eclipse Kepler来学习使用SWT,我还下载了SWT zip文件夹。 eclipse网站上的说明指出我应该将zip文件夹导入到Existing Projects into Workspace 。 我已经完成了这个,但是在Projects表单字段上没有显示任何项目,我从早上开始使用谷歌搜索获取有关如何在Eclipse Kepler上安装SWT信息,但我没有找到任何帮助。

我需要帮助,因为我面对的是一个需要丰富外观和感觉的项目。 所有回复将不胜感激。 谢谢大家。

I recently downloaded eclipse Kepler to learn to use SWT, I also downloaded the SWT zip folder. The instructions on eclipse web site states that I should import the zip folder to Existing Projects into Workspace. I have done this, but no project shows on the Projects form field, I have been googling since morning to get info on how to install SWT on Eclipse Kepler but I have not found any help.

Please I need help on this, as I am faced with a project that needs rich look and feel. All replies would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to all.

更新时间:2023-10-20 13:10


您的代码看起来没有什么可以突破while循环。 想到的一种方法是将变量设置为空列表,然后使用每条推文将其附加到列表中。

foo = []
for status in tweepy.Cursor(api.search, q=hashtag).items(2):
   tweet = status.text
print foo

当然,这将打印一个列表。 如果您想要一个字符串,请使用字符串join()方法。 将最后一行代码调整为如下所示:

bar = ' '.join(foo)
print bar

Your code looks like there's nothing to break out of the while loop. One method that comes to mind is to set a variable to an empty list and then with each tweet, append that to the list.

foo = []
for status in tweepy.Cursor(api.search, q=hashtag).items(2):
   tweet = status.text
print foo

Of course, this will print a list. If you want a string instead, use the string join() method. Adjust the last line of code to look like this:

bar = ' '.join(foo)
print bar


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