首页 \ 问答 \ 观察WiFi / 3G变化(Observe WiFi / 3G changes)

观察WiFi / 3G变化(Observe WiFi / 3G changes)

当用户在WiFi和蜂窝数据(3G / 4G)之间切换时,是否可以观察到?


Is it possible to observe when the user switch between WiFi and cellular data (3G/4G)?

Maybe something in Reachability, but I don't know what.

更新时间:2023-09-23 18:09



require 'rubygems'
require 'password'
require 'activesupport'


gem install ruby-password

You need to load rubygems before you try to load any other gem files. rubygems is what enables your Ruby programs to load other gems with require:

require 'rubygems'
require 'password'
require 'activesupport'

Before you can use the password gem however you need to install it:

gem install ruby-password


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  • 在尝试加载任何其他gem文件之前,您需要加载rubygems 。 rubygems使您的Ruby程序能够加载其他require宝石: require 'rubygems' require 'password' require 'activesupport' 在您可以使用密码gem之前,您需要安装它: gem install ruby-password You need to load rubygems before you try to load any other gem files. rubygem ...
  • 做 gem sources --add https://rubygems.org/ 然后再试一次 Do gem sources --add https://rubygems.org/ and try again
  • 你正在从windows cmd运行bundle install ,同时已经开始从cygwin shell运行它,尝试从cygwin shell运行,因为我看到你混合了本机windows ,并且cygwin路径样式了。 You are running the bundle install from windowscmd, while had begun to run it from cygwin shell, try to run from cygwin shell, because I see you ha ...
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