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了解工厂方法模式(Understanding the factory method pattern)


我可以理解什么时候有一个工厂类,即StoreFactory#getStore() ,它返回一个基于某个运行时或其他状态的Store实现。

但是,从阅读(例如这个链接 ),似乎有一个人们创建抽象工厂类的一般模式,其他工厂类扩展到:

 public abstract class AbstractFactory {
     public abstract Store getStore(int store);

 public class StoreFactoryA extends AbstractFactory {
     public Store getStore(int Store) {
         if(Store == 1) { return new MyStoreImplA(); }
         if(Store == 2) { return new MyStoreImplB(); }

 public class StoreFactoryB extends AbstractFactory {
     public Store getStore(int Store) {
         if(Store == 1) { return new MyStoreImplC(); }
         if(Store == 2) { return new MyStoreImplD(); }

 public class Runner {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        AbstractFactory storeFactory = new StoreFactoryA();
        Store myStore = storeFactory.getStore(1);


这个实现对我来说似乎有点鸡蛋。 使用Factory Method模式消除了客户端代码指定类类型的需要,但现在客户端代码需要有选择地选择要使用的正确工厂,即StoreFactoryAStoreFactoryB


I'm reading about the Factory Method pattern.

I can understand when there is a single factory class, i.e. StoreFactory#getStore(), that returns a Store implementation based on some runtime or other state.

But, from reading (e.g. this link), there seems to be a general pattern of people creating an abstract factory class, to which other factory classes extend:

 public abstract class AbstractFactory {
     public abstract Store getStore(int store);

 public class StoreFactoryA extends AbstractFactory {
     public Store getStore(int Store) {
         if(Store == 1) { return new MyStoreImplA(); }
         if(Store == 2) { return new MyStoreImplB(); }

 public class StoreFactoryB extends AbstractFactory {
     public Store getStore(int Store) {
         if(Store == 1) { return new MyStoreImplC(); }
         if(Store == 2) { return new MyStoreImplD(); }

 public class Runner {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        AbstractFactory storeFactory = new StoreFactoryA();
        Store myStore = storeFactory.getStore(1);

My example is contrived, but models that of the aforementioned link.

This implementation seems kind of chicken-egg to me. Use the Factory Method pattern to eliminate the need for the client code to specify a class type, yet now the client code needs to selectively choose the correct factory to use, i.e. StoreFactoryA, StoreFactoryB?

What is the reasoning behind using the abstract class here?

更新时间:2023-10-09 20:10



window.setInterval(function() {displayTime(timeLeft);}, 1000);


您的原始调用调用displayTime然后将其返回值( undefined )传递给window.setInterval

I'm pretty sure you mean this:

window.setInterval(function() {displayTime(timeLeft);}, 1000);

That passes a function reference.

Your original call invoked displayTime then passed its return value (undefined) to window.setInterval.


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