首页 \ 问答 \ GetNewClosure和Start-Job(GetNewClosure and Start-Job)

GetNewClosure和Start-Job(GetNewClosure and Start-Job)

我无法理解GetNewClosure如何与Start-Job一起工作。 例如,我有以下代码

function Test([string]$Name)
     $block = { Write-Host "Name = $Name" }.GetNewClosure()
     Other $block
     OtherJob $block

function Other([scriptblock]$Block)
    Write-Host -NoNewline "In Other: "

function OtherJob([scriptblock]$Block)
    Write-Host -NoNewline "In OtherJob: "
    $j = Start-Job -ScriptBLock $Block
    Start-Sleep -s 1
    $j | Receive-Job


PS C:\> Test "foo"
Name = foo
In Other: Name = foo
In OtherJob: Name = 

请注意,在OtherJob中未捕获$ Name。



PS C:\> $PSVersionTable

Name                           Value                                                                                    
----                           -----                                                                                    
CLRVersion                     2.0.50727.5485                                                                           
BuildVersion                   6.1.7601.17514                                                                           
PSVersion                      2.0                                                                                      
WSManStackVersion              2.0                                                                                      
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0}                                                                               
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.1 

I'm having trouble understanding how GetNewClosure works in conjunction with Start-Job. Case in point I have the following code

function Test([string]$Name)
     $block = { Write-Host "Name = $Name" }.GetNewClosure()
     Other $block
     OtherJob $block

function Other([scriptblock]$Block)
    Write-Host -NoNewline "In Other: "

function OtherJob([scriptblock]$Block)
    Write-Host -NoNewline "In OtherJob: "
    $j = Start-Job -ScriptBLock $Block
    Start-Sleep -s 1
    $j | Receive-Job

When calling the code I get

PS C:\> Test "foo"
Name = foo
In Other: Name = foo
In OtherJob: Name = 

Notice that $Name is not captured in OtherJob.

It is probably related to Start-Job starting a new PS instance, but is there any workaround for this (Preferably one that does not include using -ArgumentList)?

PS: The version table should it matter

PS C:\> $PSVersionTable

Name                           Value                                                                                    
----                           -----                                                                                    
CLRVersion                     2.0.50727.5485                                                                           
BuildVersion                   6.1.7601.17514                                                                           
PSVersion                      2.0                                                                                      
WSManStackVersion              2.0                                                                                      
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0}                                                                               
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.1 

更新时间:2024-02-05 22:02


如果您专门处理发布/订阅方案,我建议使用ZeromMQ (clrzmq + libzmq)。 ZeroMQ非常易于使用且速度非常快。 你会发现很多C#例子,对应于ZeroMQ网站上的各种场景。 根据您的具体需求,您可以将ZeroMQ和OpenPGM结合起来进行pgm(tcp)或epgm(udp)多播。

If you are specifically dealing with a publish/subscribe scenario, I would advise using ZeromMQ (clrzmq + libzmq). ZeroMQ is extremely easy to use and very fast. You'll find plenty of C# examples, corresponding to various scenarios on the ZeroMQ site. Depending on your specific needs, you can combine ZeroMQ and OpenPGM to do pgm (tcp) or epgm (udp) multicasting.


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  • 如果您专门处理发布/订阅方案,我建议使用ZeromMQ (clrzmq + libzmq)。 ZeroMQ非常易于使用且速度非常快。 你会发现很多C#例子,对应于ZeroMQ网站上的各种场景。 根据您的具体需求,您可以将ZeroMQ和OpenPGM结合起来进行pgm(tcp)或epgm(udp)多播。 If you are specifically dealing with a publish/subscribe scenario, I would advise using ZeromMQ (clrzmq ...
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