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使用for循环调用setTimeout(calling setTimeout with a for loop)





for (var x = 0; x < 28; x++)
   { setInterval(function(){changeDirection(divlist[x])}, divs[divlist[x]].speed);}


唯一可以让他们全部反对计时器的方法是调用setInterval 28次,就像这样......

setInterval(function(){changeDirection(divlist[1])}, divs[divlist[1]].speed);
setInterval(function(){changeDirection(divlist[2])}, divs[divlist[2]].speed);
setInterval(function(){changeDirection(divlist[3])}, divs[divlist[3]].speed);
setInterval(function(){changeDirection(divlist[4])}, divs[divlist[4]].speed);....etc


有没有人知道为什么? 有没有办法用这样的循环在许多不同的函数上调用setInterval

I've written a function that changes the css positioning of a div

I've been successfully using setTimeout to call the function at a specific interval

NOW what I'm trying to do is call the function on 28 different divs on the same page, each with its own speed.

my thinking was that I could do this with a for loop like so:

for (var x = 0; x < 28; x++)
   { setInterval(function(){changeDirection(divlist[x])}, divs[divlist[x]].speed);}

using the object 'divs' where the speed and id are stored

the only way I could get them all to move against the timer was to call setInterval 28 times like so...

setInterval(function(){changeDirection(divlist[1])}, divs[divlist[1]].speed);
setInterval(function(){changeDirection(divlist[2])}, divs[divlist[2]].speed);
setInterval(function(){changeDirection(divlist[3])}, divs[divlist[3]].speed);
setInterval(function(){changeDirection(divlist[4])}, divs[divlist[4]].speed);....etc

the for loop did NOT work...

does anyone have any idea why? and is there a way to call setInterval on many different functions with a loop like this

更新时间:2024-03-15 16:03



var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
    position: point,
    map:      map,
    icon:     image,


var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
    position: point,
    map:      map,
    icon:     image


Just replace this code

var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
    position: point,
    map:      map,
    icon:     image,

to this

var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
    position: point,
    map:      map,
    icon:     image

(line 509)


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