首页 \ 问答 \ 如何封装/包装VueJS组件?(How to encapsulate / wrap a VueJS component?)

如何封装/包装VueJS组件?(How to encapsulate / wrap a VueJS component?)









  [...some others and always present props...]


  [...some others and uniq props...]
  <template slot="same-1">
   A slot that will always be present with the same content (for example, a checkbox in the first column)

  <template slot="same-2">
   A slot that will always be present with the same content (for example, some action buttons in the last column)

  [...some others and always present slots...]

  <template slot="not-the-same">
   A slot that is only used in this context (for example, a duration based on a row timestamp and a timestamp picked by the user)

  [...some others and uniq slots...]


  <template slot="not-the-same">
   A slot that is only used in this context (for example, a duration based on a row timestamp and a timestamp picked by the user)

注意:动态插槽名称不可预测。 如果我突然需要一个“foo”列,我应该能够通过一个“foo”插槽(和一个“HEAD_foo”插槽,就我而言)



它们(功能组件)作为包装组件也非常有用。 例如,当你需要:

  • 以编程方式选择要委派的其他组件之一
  • 在将它们传递给儿童组件之前,操作儿童,道具或数据





Hi everybody, please pardon my english :-)

I have a Vue component that can take dynamic slots (the names of the slots will depend on a props).

I use it on several places and some of the slots are always present.

To avoid redundancy, I'm looking for a way to create a component that "wrap" the final component to allow me to define only the additionals slots.

If there is an "obvious" way to achieve it, I may have missed it :-)

Code example

Without a "wrap component"


  [...some others and always present props...]


  [...some others and uniq props...]
  <template slot="same-1">
   A slot that will always be present with the same content (for example, a checkbox in the first column)

  <template slot="same-2">
   A slot that will always be present with the same content (for example, some action buttons in the last column)

  [...some others and always present slots...]

  <template slot="not-the-same">
   A slot that is only used in this context (for example, a duration based on a row timestamp and a timestamp picked by the user)

  [...some others and uniq slots...]

With a "wrap component"

  <template slot="not-the-same">
   A slot that is only used in this context (for example, a duration based on a row timestamp and a timestamp picked by the user)

Note: The dynamic slot name is not predictible. If I suddenly need a "foo" column, I should be able to pass a "foo" slot (and a "HEAD_foo" slot, in my case)

Some researches

I read here that:

They’re (the functionnal components) also very useful as wrapper components. For example, when you need to:

  • Programmatically choose one of several other components to delegate to
  • Manipulate children, props, or data before passing them on to a child component

And "Manipulate children, props, or data before passing them on to a child component" seems to be exactly what I need.

I looked on render function but a lot of things seems to be not implemented, like the v-model, and I have difficulties to figure out how to pass dynamic slots...

Thank you in advance for your(s) answer(s) !

up: At the 07.03.2018 I still dont have any idea about how to solve this case

更新时间:2022-09-16 18:09



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