首页 \ 问答 \ 非阻塞DatagramSocket?(Non-blocking DatagramSocket?)

非阻塞DatagramSocket?(Non-blocking DatagramSocket?)

我正在开发一个Android的客户端应用程序,它应该通过UDP进行无阻塞的数据包接收。 有没有办法设置DatagramSocket,以便它的receive()上没有阻塞?


I'm currently developing a client application for Android that is supposed to do non-blocking reception of packets through UDP. Is there any way to setup a DatagramSocket so that it is non-blocking on its receive()?

Basically what I'm asking is how to set the MSG_DONTWAIT flag for a DatagramSocket.

更新时间:2023-11-18 14:11



ALTER IGNORE TABLE MyTable ADD UNIQUE KEY my_unique_key_name (accountid, reportid,date)

- Mihai 1月29日19:19

Solution Used

ALTER IGNORE TABLE MyTable ADD UNIQUE KEY my_unique_key_name (accountid, reportid,date)

– Mihai Jan 29 at 19:19


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