首页 \ 问答 \ 将电子表格值转换为C#中的格式文本(Convert Spreadsheet values to Formated Text in C#)

将电子表格值转换为C#中的格式文本(Convert Spreadsheet values to Formated Text in C#)







  • 删除空行
  • 两列中的每个值都需要在单引号之间
  • 来自同一行(A1和B1)的值之间必须有逗号
  • 每行必须以“[”开头,以“]结束,”
  • 最后一行不得有结尾逗号。

是的,我需要的是将excel表转换为Java Script矩阵,以便在Selenium Web浏览器自动化上使用。


String[] vector = textBox1.Text.Split(new String[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
String vectorFinal = String.Join("','", vector);
textBox2.Text = "'" + vectorFinal + "'";

我刚刚开始研究C#,这就是为什么我仍然不知道如何去做。 处理多个列涉及TAB字符,这让我疯狂哈哈...提前感谢!

I have some values in a spreadsheet like this example:

enter image description here

I always have at least 2 columns (could be a lot) and also there are always empty lines between the values.

What I want to do: copy these 2 columns, paste in a textBox and when I press a button, I'd like to have this text formatted like this:

enter image description here

So, basically I need:

  • Remove empty lines
  • Each value from both columns needs to be between single quotes
  • The values from the same line (A1 and B1) must have a comma between them
  • Each line must start with "[" and end with "],"
  • The last line must not have the ending comma.

Yes, what I need is to convert a excel table to a Java Script matrix, to use on Selenium web browser automation.

I already did one code that's helping me a lot, but just with a single column in excel, to convert it to a simple javascript vector, here's the code:

String[] vector = textBox1.Text.Split(new String[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
String vectorFinal = String.Join("','", vector);
textBox2.Text = "'" + vectorFinal + "'";

I'm just starting to study C#, that's why I still have no idea how to do it. Dealing with multiple columns involve TAB characters that are driving me crazy haha ... thanks in advance!

更新时间:2021-05-08 06:05


主mPDF Github页面上的文档适用于开发版本。 还有现成的6.1.0版软件包 ,可以按原样上传和使用。



The documentation on the main mPDF Github page is for development version. There still are ready-to-use packages for version 6.1.0 which can be uploaded and used as-is.

However, I would recommend installing mPDF via composer locally and then transfer the whole local installation to your server via FTP or whatever you use.

As the composer is de-facto standard for package management now, future versions of mPDF will not provide those pre-prepared packages anymore.


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