首页 \ 问答 \ 等待几个线程中的一个完成?(Wait for one of several threads to finish?)

等待几个线程中的一个完成?(Wait for one of several threads to finish?)

我正在实现一个线程池。 每个线程所需的工作是1-10秒的CPU,所以我很高兴有一个传统的工作线程池,或者我很乐意为每个工作单元生成一个新的线程。 没关系。

我想有一些方法让主控制线程知道N个工作线程中的一个何时完成其工作并准备好更多(或者是时候启动另一个)。 我看过pthread_join和pthread_cond_wait。 似乎没有办法等待N中的一个。所以我想主线程有一个变量,它用来进入睡眠并让工人将其唤醒。 如果工人不死,这似乎有效。 但是,如果它们死了,那么在工作者唤醒控制器的时间和它不能处理的时间之间会有一个窗口。


在Microsoft Windows中是否存在PTHREADS中的WaitForMultipleObjects的简单等价物?

I am implementing a thread pool. The work required by each thread is 1-10 seconds of CPU, so I'm happy to have a traditional thread pool with workers, or I'm happy to spawn a new thread for each unit of work. It doesn't matter.

I would like to have some way for the master control thread to know when one of the N worker threads finishes its work and is ready for more (or its time to start another). I've looked at pthread_join and pthread_cond_wait. There doesn't seem to be a way to wait for one of N. So I thought about having the master thread have a variable that it uses to go to sleep and having the workers wake it up. This seems to work if the workers don't die. However, if they die, there's a window between the time that the worker wakes up the controller and the time it dies which I don't want to deal with.

I've looked at Intel's TBB but it looks much more complicated than I need.

Is there a simple equivalent in PTHREADS to WaitForMultipleObjects in Microsoft Windows?

更新时间:2023-06-15 11:06


你超越了手机/平板电脑的容量。 只是尝试以块的形式加载单元格,如下所示:

        public class ReadExcelFile  {

            ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
            Workbook myWorkBook;

            // open but not close, leave it open

            public void OpenExcelFile()

                WorkbookSettings s = null;
                InputStream excelContent = null;
               try {
                    excelContent = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/com/product/sopho/lexiko.xls");
                    s = new WorkbookSettings();
                    myWorkbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(excelContent,s);

                } catch(Exception e) {


                // we leave it open


            // close when you are done

            public void closeExcelFile() {
                if(myWorkBook != null) {

            // Once opened, get chunks calling ExcelKeyList(0,0,1000) .... etc

            private ArrayList<String> ExcelKeyList(int sheet,int startRow, int endRow)
                Sheet sheet = myWorkBook.getSheet(sheet);       



                for (int i=startRow; i<endRow; i++)
                return list;

             public ArrayList<String> getExcelKeyList()
                 return list;



You are surpassing the phone / tablet capacity. Just try to load the cells in chunks, like this:

        public class ReadExcelFile  {

            ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
            Workbook myWorkBook;

            // open but not close, leave it open

            public void OpenExcelFile()

                WorkbookSettings s = null;
                InputStream excelContent = null;
               try {
                    excelContent = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/com/product/sopho/lexiko.xls");
                    s = new WorkbookSettings();
                    myWorkbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(excelContent,s);

                } catch(Exception e) {


                // we leave it open


            // close when you are done

            public void closeExcelFile() {
                if(myWorkBook != null) {

            // Once opened, get chunks calling ExcelKeyList(0,0,1000) .... etc

            private ArrayList<String> ExcelKeyList(int sheet,int startRow, int endRow)
                Sheet sheet = myWorkBook.getSheet(sheet);       



                for (int i=startRow; i<endRow; i++)
                return list;

             public ArrayList<String> getExcelKeyList()
                 return list;


You have to find out what's the recommended chunk size before the phone explodes.


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