首页 \ 问答 \ 弹簧石英的问题(Problem with spring quartz)

弹簧石英的问题(Problem with spring quartz)


<bean id="MngtTarget"
  abstract="false" lazy-init="true" autowire="default" dependency-check="default">

    <bean id="jobDetail" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean">
      <property name="targetObject" ref="MngtTarget" />
      <property name="targetMethod" value="findItemByPIdEndDate"/>

    <bean id="simpleTrigger" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SimpleTriggerBean">

        <property name="jobDetail" ref="jobDetail" />
        <!-- 10 seconds -->
        <property name="startDelay" value="10000" />
        <!-- repeat every 50 seconds -->
        <property name="repeatInterval" value="20000" />

    <bean class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean">
        <property name="triggers">
                <ref bean="simpleTrigger" />


public List<Long> I need findItemByPIdEndDate() throws Exception {

                List<Long> list = null;

                        Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();

                        Query query = session.getNamedQuery("endDateChecker");
                        list =  query.list();

                        for(int i=0; i<list.size(); i++)

                        System.out.println("Total " + list.size());

                }catch (HibernateException e){
                        throw new DataAccessException(e.getMessage());

                return list;


Invocation of method 'findItemByPIdEndDate' on target class [class com.management.engine.Implementation] failed; nested exception is No Hibernate Session bound to thread, and configuration does not allow creation of non-transactional one here


 public List<Long> I need findItemByPIdEndDate() throws Exception {

                    List<Long> list = null;

                            Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();

                            Query query = session.getNamedQuery("endDateChecker");
                            list =  query.list();

                            for(int i=0; i<list.size(); i++)

                            System.out.println("Total " + list.size());
                    }catch (HibernateException e){
                            throw new DataAccessException(e.getMessage());

                    return list;

我得到不同的错误消息,我得到: Invocation of method 'findItemByPIdEndDate' on target class [class com.management.engine.Implementation] failed; nested exception is could not execute query] Invocation of method 'findItemByPIdEndDate' on target class [class com.management.engine.Implementation] failed; nested exception is could not execute query] ,任何人都知道这是什么,任何建议? 谢谢



<sql-query name="endDateChecker">
<return-scalar column="PId" type="java.lang.Long"/>
   item_pid as PId
        end_date < trunc(sysdate)]]>      

I'm trying to invoke method based on some interval time, here are some beans inside applicationContext.xml

<bean id="MngtTarget"
  abstract="false" lazy-init="true" autowire="default" dependency-check="default">

    <bean id="jobDetail" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean">
      <property name="targetObject" ref="MngtTarget" />
      <property name="targetMethod" value="findItemByPIdEndDate"/>

    <bean id="simpleTrigger" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SimpleTriggerBean">

        <property name="jobDetail" ref="jobDetail" />
        <!-- 10 seconds -->
        <property name="startDelay" value="10000" />
        <!-- repeat every 50 seconds -->
        <property name="repeatInterval" value="20000" />

    <bean class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean">
        <property name="triggers">
                <ref bean="simpleTrigger" />

Here is the method I'm trying to invoke :

public List<Long> I need findItemByPIdEndDate() throws Exception {

                List<Long> list = null;

                        Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();

                        Query query = session.getNamedQuery("endDateChecker");
                        list =  query.list();

                        for(int i=0; i<list.size(); i++)

                        System.out.println("Total " + list.size());

                }catch (HibernateException e){
                        throw new DataAccessException(e.getMessage());

                return list;

Here is the exception message that I get :

Invocation of method 'findItemByPIdEndDate' on target class [class com.management.engine.Implementation] failed; nested exception is No Hibernate Session bound to thread, and configuration does not allow creation of non-transactional one here

I've spent time googling alot so far also I've tried to modify my method like this :

 public List<Long> I need findItemByPIdEndDate() throws Exception {

                    List<Long> list = null;

                            Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();

                            Query query = session.getNamedQuery("endDateChecker");
                            list =  query.list();

                            for(int i=0; i<list.size(); i++)

                            System.out.println("Total " + list.size());
                    }catch (HibernateException e){
                            throw new DataAccessException(e.getMessage());

                    return list;

And I get different error msg, I get : Invocation of method 'findItemByPIdEndDate' on target class [class com.management.engine.Implementation] failed; nested exception is could not execute query] , anyone knows what is this all about, any suggestions ? thank you

Also my queries.hbm.xml


<sql-query name="endDateChecker">
<return-scalar column="PId" type="java.lang.Long"/>
   item_pid as PId
        end_date < trunc(sysdate)]]>      

更新时间:2024-05-22 12:05



public class UserAdminTest {
    static class DBConnection { boolean isAdmin(String userName) { return false; } }

    static class UserAdmin {
        boolean removeUser(String userName) {
            DBConnection dbConnection = new DBConnection();

            if (!dbConnection.isAdmin(userName)) {
                // remove user
                return true;

            return false;

    @Tested UserAdmin userAdmin;
    @Mocked DBConnection dBConnection;

    public void doesNotRemoveUserWhenAdmin() throws Exception {
        new Expectations() {{ dBConnection.isAdmin("admin"); result = true; }};

        boolean removedIt = userAdmin.removeUser("admin");


Works fine for me:

public class UserAdminTest {
    static class DBConnection { boolean isAdmin(String userName) { return false; } }

    static class UserAdmin {
        boolean removeUser(String userName) {
            DBConnection dbConnection = new DBConnection();

            if (!dbConnection.isAdmin(userName)) {
                // remove user
                return true;

            return false;

    @Tested UserAdmin userAdmin;
    @Mocked DBConnection dBConnection;

    public void doesNotRemoveUserWhenAdmin() throws Exception {
        new Expectations() {{ dBConnection.isAdmin("admin"); result = true; }};

        boolean removedIt = userAdmin.removeUser("admin");



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