首页 \ 问答 \ 存储库本身通常不会被测试?(The repository itself is not usually tested?)

存储库本身通常不会被测试?(The repository itself is not usually tested?)



存储库模式有助于单元测试在使用它的控制器中被替换,对吗? 因为创建上下文(在EF中)或会话(在NH中)的存根/假更难,对吗? 储存库本身没有经过测试? 为什么?

使用EntityFramework或NHibernate与存储库模式,如果我想测试我的存储库,我需要做集成测试? 因为如果我使用我的上下文/会话的假实现,我没有做真正的测试? 因为上下文/会话本身就是存储库(我的意思是它们实现了添加,删除,编辑,GetById,GetAll等的真实逻辑)?

EF或NH存储库模式就像一个包装? (不仅是一个包装,我知道这是一个域的导入概念。)

I'm sorry but I'm new to repositories patterns, unit tests and orm tools.

I've been researching on unit tests and the repository pattern, and arrived at some conclusions, I wonder if I'm right.

The repository pattern facilitates unit testing to be replaced in controller that make use of it for example, right? Because create a stub/fake of context(in EF) or session(in NH) is harder, right? The repository itself is not tested? Why?

Using EntityFramework or NHibernate with repository pattern, if i want to test my repositories I need to do integration tests? Because if I use a fake implementation of my context/session I'm not doing real tests? Because the context/session itself is the repository (I mean they implement the real logic of Add, Remove, Edit, GetById, GetAll, ..)?

The repository pattern with EF or NH is like a wrapper? (Not only a wrapper, I know this is a import concept of the domain.)

更新时间:2021-11-27 11:11





你可以 - 很容易 - 写你自己的。 从RST源码中抽取Python代码块并将其组装起来并不是一种火箭科学。 事实上,我建议你编写自己的Docutils指令来汇编RST源文档中的Python代码。

您通过docutils rst2html(或Sphinx)运行RST以生成最终的HTML报告。


I did this:


You can get any number of web/weave products that will help you construct a document and code in one swoop.

You can -- pretty easily -- write your own. It's not rocket science to yank the Python code blocks out of RST source and assemble it. Indeed, I suggest you write your own Docutils directives to assemble the Python code from an RST source document.

You run the RST through docutils rst2html (or Sphinx) to produce your final HTML report.

You run your own utility on the same RST source to extract the Python code blocks and produce the final modules.


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